Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ramble, Ramble, Ramble.

Sometimes, I wish I had a webcam so I could take a picture of exactly how I'm sitting.

Completely on my tail-bone. [Coccyx, if you'd like me to be a nurse.]
My feet are crossed and resting on top of the desk.

...more comfortable this way. Who would've thunk?

, pretty upset about Grey's Anatomy.
If they kill of Izzie Stephens, I'm refusing to watch the show.
[Probably not true, but I won't be happy about it.]

Have a resident who has a son who writes the script for Grey's.
I'm practically famous.
..also have a resident who owns Morgan Jewelers.
Trying to make him fall in love with me.

BORED of hearing about S W I N E flu. blah. blah. blah.

11:30. Class in AM. Can't sleep.
nor do i care.
..ramble, ramble, ramble.

P.S. It's Halloween. Got a slutty costume. Can't WAIT.


P and C said...

You are too funny Callie! It was good seeing you yesterday, wish I could have chatted it up more! Keep workin' on the resident who owns Morgan Jewelers-and get me on in the free stuff k! ha ha

Mormon Bachelor Pad said...

Seriously, what ever happened to the regular flu?
