Monday, September 16, 2013

Wife. Mom. Nurse.

Well, after my last post, I've made a decision.  I'm staying part time.   All the support and comments I received was super helpful.  You were all right.   How on earth can I stay away from this cute face?! 

Being a mom is more than I ever thought it could be. I've heard before that it is the most important calling, and I couldn't agree more.  There isn't anything more I want to do than hold Hazel in her rocking chair by the window.  I literally could do it all day long.   

Before I was pregnant, I thought I could never be a stay-at-home mom.  I thought it would be boring and same-old-thing.  

Uhhhh, I was very wrong. 

Nothing makes me happier than being home with Hazel and Caden.  When I am away from either of them, I think about them at least every 5 minutes, no exaggeration.   I cry when I leave for work and I smother her to pieces once I come home. 

I feel incredibly blessed to be a mother.  I feel incredibly blessed to be a wife.  I love everything about providing for a family and taking care of a home. I love being here for my family and I love making sure both of their needs are fully met.

I am first a wife, second a mother, and last a nurse.   And that's exactly the order I prefer.  

Saturday, September 7, 2013

LGBT: being accepted.

I just finished watching America's Got Talent and Brandon just sang a beautiful song.  He said he turned to music because he felt alone.  He is gay and his family didn't accept him, music was his only escape.  

This breaks my heart. 

I pray that one day there will be 100% acceptance for the LGBT community.  To me, there is nothing wrong with a person loving another person. 

I know so many incredible, accepting, loving couples who are gay.  They are such beautiful people and want nothing more than to be accepted and to love their partner publicly without the ridicule of the public. 

I remember being out with my sister and her girlfriend.  We were on a double date.  As I held my dates hand, I looked at my sister who sat far from her girlfriend and didn't touch her the entire night.  I looked at Cassie and said "why aren't you holding hands?!"  She responded with a broken expression, "we can't." 

I pray always that she will be accepted.  I pray that the entire LGBT community will never be ashamed to show their love for their partner.  I pray they will never be turned away from a job, from a group of friends, or from their own families. 

The day will come. 
...And I will be there smiling with a heart so proud. 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Mom vs Nurse, pt 2.

As new home owners, budgeting has been tight.   Water, gas, electricity, fixing doors, spackle, new sprinklers....yadda, yadda, yadda. Before you know it, your whole paycheck is spent the same day it's deposited.  


As a new mom, I never want to leave Caden or Hazel.  I want to be home all day with them and I want to do things like go to the water park, go swimming, go for a bike ride, read books and cuddle.   I cry everytime I go to work and I cry almost everytime Caden goes to work.   Separation anxiety, at its finest.  

So, now this dilemma.   Do I a) work full-time instead of part-time so we have a little wiggle room for things we want and extra luxuries OR b) stay at home and only work part-time but get to be with my Hazy May and Hubby and watch them both grow and be cute? 

I hate this decision.