Friday, April 30, 2010

B O N U S.

Recognition is the best present.

I got a bonus today at work.
My boss thinks I do a wonderful job,
She thanked me for my hard work.
Said it doesn't ever go unnoticed.

That alone was enough to make me melty.
Then, she gave me a check to spend as I pleased.

Did I mention I love my job?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Laptop, Update.

Listed my laptop for 300.00 on eBay.
Sold for 350.00 in the last hour.

Ahhh, this is so addicting.

If you have some stuff lying around,
Give It To Me. I'll sell it.
I'm running out of things in my own home.

Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

Day off, in a nut shell:

  • Went to Hobby Lobby.
    Walking up and down every aisle.

  • Went to the book store,
    bought a new book.

  • Went shopping, bought more perfume.
    To add to my growing collection.
    Like I need more perfume.

  • AND, I bought new undies.
    I LOVE buying new unders.

Now I'm going to pack for Mexico.
Is 17 days too soon to pack before a trip?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Header. Or Tailser.

Check me out.
I broke down and finally made a new header.

You know, since I have all this time
to sit around and do nothing.

I'm cool.

P.S. These are all pictures of me pulling hideous faces or doing ridiculous things.
And that is what makes it so great.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

HB, Me.

I love birthdays.

Cards and Roses
make me melty.


SO great.

From You to Me.

To those of you who have music on your blog,
I love you. Envy you.
Wish you would show me how.

Ya'll have some dang good taste.
and I've downloaded almost everything I've heard.
Such a neat little widget.

...widget, is that what blogger calls them?
I think so.

Following the Leader.

Welcome, Melissa Dean.

Yes, of course we can be friends.
I'm all about meeting other Nurses to help me along.
The more, the merrier.

Mommy time.

Playing Mom today with sick niece and nephew.

Makes me want to take a nap.

Self, you are not ready to have kids.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Just sold my Laptop on Ebay.
May or may not be addicted.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Blogging Dilemma.

Remember when I said
I'd have tons of time to blog?

Well, I do.

I just don't have anything to blog about.
My life without school is not much of a life.

I sleep until noon, I paint my nails, I go for a run.
I make a sandwich, I watch Ruby.
I take a shower, I do my hair, I go to work.
I come home, I play on the computer. I get on Ebay.
Then, I go to bed.
What a loser.

On a happy note,
Less than 3 weeks until my cruise.

Red Headed.

New do.
Kinda reminds me of Cruella Deville.
Not sure I like it, yet.

Give me time.
I'm adjusting.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lightning and Thunder.

At work.
Keelie is singing,

"You are the thunderrrr,
and I am the liiiiightning."

Then she says this,

"No, wait. You are the lightning and I am the thunder.
You are pretty and bright, I am loud and annoying."

Awwwww, thanks.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Following the Leader, kinda.

You know you are a loser when
you dream about getting new followers.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Following the Leader.

Chloe, welcome to my BLOG.

...I mean, you've always been a part of my blog.
But, now you're a follower.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Phoebe to Fabio.

I have a dog, named Phoebe.
She is fat and rolly-polly. She snorts and she whimpers.
And she's a princess.

Well, the other day she had a little thing coming out her...stuff.
So I picked her up, flipped her over and looked.
Mom got some gloves, I squeezed it. Poked it. Touched it.

Couldn't figure it out.

Told Mom it looked like intestines.
Mom got worried. Called the vet.
Vet said it sounded like a tumor. Bring her in tomorrow.
We worried. We stressed.
We felt bad for calling her fat.

Hours pass, vet calls back.
Says he's never seen this before.
Mom gets nervous. ...Seen WHAT before?

Vet says Phoebe has boy parts.
And girl parts.

And her boy parts were coming out yesterday.
Which means, those "intestines" I touched, was really a penis.
Poor little Phoebe is now a Fabio.
And tumor-free.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Fitting for the Moment.

I woke up such a mess today,
so alone and so afraid.
All the mistakes I have made,
follow me back to this place.
And all these faded memories,
still haunt me in my sleep.

Excuse me
for the way I look at you,
You remind me of someone I thought I knew.
and I loved him so,
but he left me in this tomb.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Hey, Callie.
You forgot to apply for financial aid.
Don't forget again.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Oh, little blog of mine.
I had so many really great blogs to write about.
So many great and thoughtful things to say.
But, I just got off work.
It's 10:30 and I'm sleepy.
So, I hope this writing mo-jo flows over to tomorrow.
The end.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Calorie Counter App.

Sam wants to know more.

My little iTouch has a great application.
It's called Lose It! and it counts my calories for me.

I set a goal of how much weight I want to lose by a certain date.

May 15, one day before my cruise.

Then, I input my diet and what I've eaten for the day.
Muffins. Coffee. Chips. Salsa. Cottage Cheese.
It counts my calories and tells me where I'm at for the day.

Then, I input my excersie.
Walking. Typing. Class. Running. Kissing.
It will minus the calories I've burned.

If calories consumed is less than calories burned,
I lose weight.

So far, I have done no excercise.
However, I will say that it DOES make me eat healthier.
I feel guilty inputting "twinkie" into my calorie counter.

P.S. It's free. Available on iTunes.
You'll thank me later.

2am. Eat. Apps.

2am and I'm awake.
Class at 8:30.

All I want to do is eat.
...but my new calorie counter app has restricted that.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Utah Weather.

Grab your gear.
I'm off to PowMow.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Internet World.

Remember my list from a few posts ago?
If not, scroll down a few because I'm too lazy to link.

Welp, he has a website.
Even funnier than the list.

This is my new favorite.
Right next to PostSecret and TextsFromLastNight.

Ohhh, internet world.
So entertaining.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Remember when I thought I solved the MBP mystery?

Well, someone wrote me on Facebook to ask the story.
They claimed they were trying to "reveal MBP".
So, I told them the story. I didn't know what would happen.
And, I didn't really care.
I was bored of MBP and I was willing to help solve the mystery.

Turns out, the person writing me was really MBP.
And they revealed themselves.
And then hid themselves to make into a big April Fool's joke.

Now I'm confused.
Along with everyone else.

I don't know what to think.
And, frankly, I don't care.
But, here is the link if you'd like to solve the mystery.
I'm over it.

Following the Leader.

Hellllllo, new follower.
Mandy Douras, W E L C O M E.


Back to my Sidekick.
Broke my Behold this morning.

Got slammed in the car door.

Shower Confession.

We have a glass shower door.
I do a lot of thinking in the shower.
And I think best in numbers.
So, every day, I do some sort of math calculation on the shower door.
Figuring grades, my checking account, my paycheck, whatever.

doing math.
EVERY day.
On the shower door.

Another great thing that makes me, me.


I'm a list person.
I LOVE lists. I love random-nimity. I love sarcasm.
So, it's no wonder that THIS is my most favorite list I've read.