Thursday, April 19, 2012

Puzzle Pieces.

You know when you buy a new puzzle and you have tons and tons and tons of pieces.   And you think it'll be so much fun, because you love puzzles.   So you drop them all onto the table, and you try to sort them by color.   It seems chaotic and makes no sense, you can't tell what anything is, just a mess of colors.  You know that eventually it's supposed to be a pretty sunset, but you aren't sure how it's going to get there.   So, you start with a border and you hope that it will just flow nicely, piece by piece.   And once the border is done, you start getting more pieces to fit.  Faster and faster.  Quicker and quicker.   And now, all the sudden, you've got a sunset and you don't know how it happened or how all the pieces fit together so perfectly but, you're dang happy they did despite all the chaos of a billion pieces.

Well, friends, that's me.  That's my life.   Started out as chaos and a hundred different puzzle pieces.  I didn't know how they were all going to fit.  Or where they were all going to fit.  I didn't know where to start, what puzzle piece to put first.  But, I started with a border and all the sudden my life of a puzzle has come together into the most magical sunset I've ever seen.   I don't know how it happened, or how I figured this puzzle out, but I'm so grateful that it's turned out exactly how I hoped.

I'm the luckiest.
and I love my little puzzle of a life.
and that's all.

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