Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Calorie Counter App.

Sam wants to know more.

My little iTouch has a great application.
It's called Lose It! and it counts my calories for me.

I set a goal of how much weight I want to lose by a certain date.

May 15, one day before my cruise.

Then, I input my diet and what I've eaten for the day.
Muffins. Coffee. Chips. Salsa. Cottage Cheese.
It counts my calories and tells me where I'm at for the day.

Then, I input my excersie.
Walking. Typing. Class. Running. Kissing.
It will minus the calories I've burned.

If calories consumed is less than calories burned,
I lose weight.

So far, I have done no excercise.
However, I will say that it DOES make me eat healthier.
I feel guilty inputting "twinkie" into my calorie counter.

P.S. It's free. Available on iTunes.
You'll thank me later.


Candie said...

Awww..I should to that!! How many calories do you burn for kissing? LOL

Anonymous said...

I had to do that kind of thing for my nutrition class a year or so ago. I hated having to remember every little thing I ate in a whole day... ugh...

Anonymous said...

I want a calorie counter...
Except I don't really care about losing weight.

kaLee said...

i have that on my cell phone!!! somedays are really good and some are really sad ;)

Jess and Whitni said...

this post made me laugh about the twinkies. I'm trying to eat healthier and excerise more too! If you want your ass kicked in exercise, try the Jillian Michaels workout DVDs. They are only like 8 bucks and so worth it!