Saturday, June 5, 2010


I miss being in love.

I know I say this alot, but love is a whirl-wind of emotion.  A crazy, exciting, upsetting, curious, thrilling, uplifting, hurting, loving, accepting kind-of-thing. 

Love is like a car ride.

You get in, your excited. You're off to a great start.  You're moving along, enjoying the scenery.  Listening to a good song, jamming out.

You get going further and further, set your cruise control, roll your windows down and put your foot out the window.  You're comfortable, you're relaxed and you are enjoying the ride.

And then, suddenly, you get into trafficThings slow down.  You come up onto a wreck and you can't move.  You're bumper to bumper and your stuck.  You want out, you want to be home, you want to be where you can breathe again.

And you see the wreck, and your heart breaks.  You realize what caused it all.  You wonder what it was like, moments before with your cruise control.  You wish for that back and you search for an open road to cruise again. 

...and then, traffic breaks up.  You can breathe again.  You can see a way out.  You feel released and you feel like you can move on

You can search for another great song,
and go back to enjoying the really great scenery.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm the exact same way lately... But GREAT analogy - it really really works...