Saturday, June 19, 2010

Mormon Look-a-Like.

Everywhere I go, someone always tells me I look Mormon.
Or when I get to know someone, they say:

"When I first met you,
I thought you were Mormon."

Please, someone tell me, how do you LOOK Mormon?
...and why do people ALWAYS think that I am one?


Anonymous said...

I would take it as a compliment. I think that person was just saying you are on overall nice honest person and you work hard on trying to do the best you can and you have a beautiful spirit about you. I think in Utah people grow up in this bubble that if you are a good person you must be LDS, which is totally not true there are great people that aren't and you are just one of them.

Callie Ann said...

Thank you, Anonymous. That was really nice of you. Wish I knew who you were, but thanks for making me smile.

Paige M. said...

you seem like a super cute girl, and a good girl. not to mention gorgeous, so i would take it as a compliment. :]

Callie Ann said...

Thank you, Paige.
:) You are sweet.

Chanse and Janell said...

I get that comment a lot too, because I'm not mormon either. It's weird! I don't know how to react to it, but I guess some people just "look" mormon? ha ha. I do think Utah girls have a look to them. My fiance' tells me that Utah has the most beautiful women!

Anonymous said...

I get that ALL. THE. TIME. Don't worry about it though - everybody else is completely right.. It's more of a compliment than anything. Just being a good, sweet girl gives you that initial reputation. It drives me crazy sometimes, but don't let it get to you too bad :)

Anonymous said...

It's the hair.