Saturday, September 25, 2010

Damage Control.

The past week or two I've been in this ridiculous rut.
It's odd and it's different and I definitely don't like it.

I'm never one to be sad or depressed,
and if I am, it only lasts a day and can be cured by a nap.

This time it's lasted much longer,
which worries me.

So, I've decided to do some damage control.

  • I've deleted my facebook because it clouds my mind and consumes way too much of my time.  Plus, it's getting boring.

  • I've decided to go on a 40 days and 40 nights fast from alcohol
    Alcohol is a depressor, not a boost.
  • Also, I'm really encouraging myself to pray nightly.  I used to be really great at this, but it hasn't happened for a while.  Prayer helps me remember what is important, and encourages me to remember what I'm thankful for.  

So, there you have it.
My game plan to beat this funk.

Wish me luck,
I'll keep you posted.

P.S.  Welcome, friends from facebook.  This is blog land.  
Much more enjoyable than FB.


Callie Ann said...

I can't comment on your page...GRRR


Kaleena J. said...

Good luck! I hope things will get better for you.

Going for a run usually helps me when I'm in a depressed rut... or do something alone that you haven't done in a loooong time. That also helps.

"Change your thoughts and you change your world."

Anonymous said...

Now I forgot what I was going to say....

but...thanks for adding the "anonymous" now I can comment again.


Estelle said...

Oh, Callie love. I am so sorry you are in a rut. I am sending you hugs and kisses and positive energy over the interwebs.

LyssaLou said...

Proud of you :) All of those things are sooo difficult but will be helpful in the long run!
I believe in you Callie :)