Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Music Madness.

So, is it just me that this happens to?

Driving in my car and I have six preset radio stations.  S I X.  So why do all SIX of them have to go to commercial at the exact same time.  Chances of that happening are so slim, yet happens to me every single time.   Then, when music comes back on, I hear the same 4 songs

1. We Fell in Love - Rihanna
2. Set Fire to the Rain - Adele
3. Sexy and I Know it - LMFAO
4. Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5

All super great songs, but not all day long, and not on the same radio stations, and not when everything else is on a commercial.

Plus, I'm one of those people who lives in the dark ages and doesn't have an iPod, so I listen to CDs that are ten thousand years old.  We are talking: Ashley Simpson. Britney Spears. Black Eyed Peas. 

It's cool, guys.
I'm cool.

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