Friday, April 24, 2009

Thinkin' Out Loud.

I have 2 new followers, so exciting.
...'cept I don't know who you are because for some reason my work computer doesn't allow me to look at my followers. Still exciting, none the less.

Last day of class was today, Woot Woo. The semester went by like..super fast. Lightning speed. Grease lightning, even. Had a test in Child Development today and was totally planning on studying at work, then taking my test AFTER work. But THEN I remembered the testing center closes at 4. Shit. So I studied during class, bombed my test with a 53% and then booked it to work. Procrastination, at it's finest.

Speaking of procrastination, EVERYONE at my work is leaving.
[Don't really know what that has to do with procrastination, but it sounded related sort of.]
People are dropping like flies in this place, for reals. Transfering to Logan, transfering to SLC, working some place else, transfering departments, becoming a CNA. <--me. It's a little bit ri-donk-u-lous. Makes me feel a little bit sad. Gotta' love AFCU.

Remember when I said dating was going to be weird? Well, I'm even MORE retarded than I thought. I forgot all the rules. What do I do if someone asks me out who I don't really think is cute, or my type? Do I say yes, and just have fun or is that leading him on? Do I tell them I can't date them because I don't see us getting married, even on the first date? Am I obligated to tell them I'm not LDS if I know he wants a temple marriage? Do I tell him not to kiss me, because I just broke up with my boyfriend and the thought of kissing another guy FREAKS ME OUT?

See, I'm a fetchin' spaz.
So retarded, and a tiny bit embarrassing.


Anonymous said...

callie you are great!!

Constantine said...

lol don't worry you will get the hang of it! just give it some and you'll find somebody great!
And I hate the fact that everybody is leaving! everyone is gone! :'(

Brittany said...

Callie I laughed SO FETCHING hard when I read your last comment on my blog. I love it. I promise to pick up the pace. I love this post too. It's posting "at it's finest" :) I would be the last person to talk to about dating. All my skills officially wore off about 5 years ago!

kaLee said...


dont worry girl! you are so awesome and such a wonderful free spirited gal! when you find Mr. RighT you will be the best damn thing that ever happened to him!