Friday, November 12, 2010

Scardy Cat.

You know when you're laying in bed, totally comfortable and relaxed, and all the sudden you hear a scary noise so you sit at the edge of your bed with your fingers crossed and praying that nothing bad will happen?

That's my mindset right now.
I was totally comfortable laying in bed, and I felt completely relaxed.  Then, I heard something scary and now I'm at the edge of my bed and I'm praying that nothing bad happens.   I know in reality that I'm safe, but I still have the fear and I'm still saying my prayers that I'll be okay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't read your blog in a while, but I'm glad I did cause this post made me laugh... We live out in the sticks... (literally... our nearest neighboor is almost a mile away)... And I completely freak myself out with sounds at night. I always think I'm going to find myself in a live verison of "The Strangers." (If you haven't seen that, you def. should).
