Friday, February 25, 2011


Sometimes you just have to cut your own hair.
Today is one of those days.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

D-Will. Phones. and Grades.

I'm sick of hearing about D-will.
I'm tired of people talking about the Jazz.
I don't care.

Also, I shattered my phone screen today.

But, the most important news of all,
after reviewing my grades with my instructors,
I'm totally acing nursing school. 

Helllllls yeah, sucka.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 13 and 15 and 16.

Each of these are dumb.
So I'll combine them.

Day 13: Somewhere you'd like to move or visit:
I would like to move nowhere, really.  I kind of dig Utah.   Wait, let me rephrase.  I dig my FAMILY that lives in Utah.  I don't ever want to live somewhere that my mom and sisters are not.  They mean too much to me.   I would love to visit anywhere and everywhere.  Ecuador. England. Ireland. Africa. Canada.  Yep, Canada.

Day 15: Favorite Tumbirs.
I don't even know what tumbirs is, so I suppose I don't have a favorite.

Day 16: Views on mainstream music.
I dig music. I like to listen to it.  I'm definitely not a music buff and I never know who sings what songs.  My iPod has music that's most likely a hundred years old, and I have a hard time finding new songs to put onto my iPod, but I definitely enjoy listening and jamming out. 

Phew.  Glad those boring topics are O V E R.
Onto the next.

Day 11: Shuffled iPod.

Ten Songs on my iPod in random order:

1 - Take Cover by Acceptance.   This song was one I listened to constantly when I was dating Josh #1.  It was my favorite.  Whenever I listen to it, it still reminds me of him and that period of my life.  I'm instantly brought back to that time, those feelings, that era.  Ohhh, memory lane.

2 - Never Had a Friend Like Me from Aladdin.  This song is a BLAST to jam out to.  Even when I'm alone in my car.  If I'm having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day, I just turn on Disney.  Blues go out the window.

3 - Do I by Luke Bryan.   This song makes me W I C K E D sad.  I used to listen to this song when I was on the rocks with Josh #2.   It's a super sad break up song.   WARNING -- Don't listen to it when you have a broken heart or doubting your relationship. 

4 - Show Down by Britney Spears.  This song reminds me of high school, or shortly after high school.  I used to listen to this in my little red car and think I was super bad ass.  It's got a good beat and instantly makes me want to go out and boogy.

5 - Come Together by Pink.  SO happy that this song came onto my shuffle list. This was my theme song in high school.   "When me and my friends go walking down the street, seems we can't go ANYWHERE without a car that goes BEEP! BEEP!"   Again, I thought I was super bad ass.

6 - All Mixed Up by 311.  This song makes me want to go boarding for hours and hours, smoke huka and drink a lot of beer.  It's got such a chill vibe and I instantly feel like a hippy without a care in the world.

7 - Never Know by Jack Johnson.  There was a good period in my life when I listened to nothing but Jack Johnson.  When I was working with disabled adults, me and my schizophrenic client would go for car rides and drink sprite while listening to Jack Johsnon.  Nothing made him more happy.  

8 - Christmas Shoes.  This is my most favorite Christmas song, ever.   Best message.  Makes me cry every single time.

9 - Flicks by Frou Frou. Anything by Frou Frou takes me back to the year after I graudated.  It was a confusing time in my life.  I was trying to pick a major, I didn't know what I wanted, where I was going, who I was.  It was my "Who Am I??" phase.  I'm not sure why Frou Frou reminds me of this time, but I must have listened to her a bunch.

10 - Make Me Believe by Sugarland.   Ahhhh, Sugarland.  She was bound to come up on the shuffle.  Sugarland is my most favorite band.  I love them.  I love everything about her songs, her music, her voice, her.  She's definitely on my hottie list.  For sure.


Can we talk about how much I absolutely positively HATE to be ignored?
Ohhhh, mother.  I hate it.   A bunch.

On an unrelated note--today I had midterm evaluations, which means the semester is half over.  Which means I'm 1/4 of the way done with my LPN year.     I'm a quarter of a nurse.     


Monday, February 21, 2011

Dad in the Cupboard.

My laundry room has weird things that happen.

One day my step-dad was downstairs ironing and came up to the kitchen with a terrified look on his face.  My mom asked what happened and he said, with hestiation, "I was down in the laundry room and I felt someone...rub my back. I turned around and no one was there."    My mom smiled and said, "that happens to me all the time."  

My mom said it's never a scary feeling. She doesn't ever feel like running, or hiding, or getting the hell out.  She feels comforted and it makes her smile.    And it's happened more than once, but only in the laundry room.

Strange, I thought.
Until recently.

My mom was talking to a friend who is pretty familiar with "the other side" and things that can happen.  He asked if there was anything in the laundry room that belonged to anyone from the "other side".   Since it was the laundry room, she thought maybe someone's clothes or hangers or anything we've used. 

Nope, nothing.
But then we remembered.

All the cards and letters my dad has every given my mom are kept in the laundry room cupboard.  The comforter she got for their wedding was in the cupboard.  And, the slides and pictures from when we were young are all in the cupboards.

That strange back rub was from my dad. 
And he's hanging out in the laundry room because that's where his things are.  That's where he feels like he belongs.

Poor guy, hanging out in the cupboards like Harry Potter.
Task for the day: move his belongings to a better, less strange place to hang out.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Problems.

I've got this wicked great idea for a blog header.

I just A) don't have time to make it and
B) am worried it won't be as great as my vision.

Son of a...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Things You Should Know

1.  I'm going to cut my nose off to avoid the boogers running down my face.

2.  I got a 90% on my test. 
Holla' atcha girl. 

3.  Meet Lindsey.  

Lindsey is super great.  She's teaching me sign and has been super patient with me.  Plus, she's gorgeous so that helps to have to stare at her while she's talking.  Hope she doesn't notice the boogers running down my face.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 12: Bullet My Day.

  • Alarm goes off at 0600.  Snooze until 0630.   Roll out of bed and get ready for the day.  Usually doesn't involve more than brushing my teeth and putting a bobby pin in my hair.  I don't do mornings.
  • Arrive to school around 0800.  Gab with my classmates about what's going down for the day.  Ask if there is anything I forgot to to the night before.
  • Frantically scram to complete the assignment I forgot to do the night before, before the five minutes I have until class starts.
  • Start class.
  • Play on facebook, blogger, tetris, and bubble ball during lecture.  
  • Try to refrain from getting wickedly confused.
  • Around 1200, we have lunch as a class.   This is when we talk about how awful lecture is, how confused everyone is, and how the hell we plan to pass the exam.
  • 1230, head back to class for more confusion, facebook, blogger, and tetris.
  • Finally leave school around 3.   Go home for some lunch.  more lunch.
  • Head to the library/Starbucks around five to cram and study for the exam and review everything I learned, or didn't learn, that day.  
  • Go back home around 7 to eat dinner.  ShowerVisit with Mom.
  • 9pm, go to bed.

....try not to be jealous of my awesome life.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 10, part 1: First Kiss.

 I'm skipping day 09: How I hope my future will be.   
  That's how I hope it will be. 
No need for an entire post about that. 
I just want it to be wicked awesome. 

Day 10: My first love and first kiss.

Well, this is two different posts.   My first love was definitely not my first kiss, and visa versa.   My first kiss was outside my best friend's house.  She was dating a boy who was about 6 years older than she was.  She had lied about her age and they thought we both were seniors in high school.   ..turns out, we weren't.  

She was "talking" to her boyfriend outside her house.   I was laying on the grass with his friend.  His friend and I were talking non-sense, trying to avoid that fact that our friends were totally mackin' on each other.    All the sudden he leans over me and smooches me.  Definitely without permission, but I definitely didn't stop it.   We kissed for a good while.    Then, they left.  

And I never saw him again.

...maybe I was a shitty kisser.
...maybe he found out I was only 15.
or maybe BOTH.   

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 08: Moment of Satisfaction.

The moment in my life when I felt the most satisfaction,
definitely right now.    

I've finally been accepted into Nursing school,
and I'm accomplishing all the dreams and goals I've set for myself.

I've learned to become who I've always wanted to be, and no longer am I doing things to make others happy.  I'm finally making myself happy.

I'm learning who I can trust, who I can't trust.  
Who makes me happy, who brings me down.  
Who to keep close, and who to leave behind.   

I'm learning what's important to me.    
I'm learning to become me.    

I'm growing. 
I'm maturing.  
I'm accepting me.    

And that feels wicked awesome.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 07: Zodiac Signs.

I'm an Aries, and a very typical Aries.  I've got some Arian pride.  Not enough to get a big fat tattoo of my astrology sign on my body, though.  Because that's REAL original...

Aries are typically very independent, generous, optimistic, enthusiastic, moody, self-involved, and impatient.    Uhhhh, that's me.   

Google says: "Aries personalities are independent. Being the first of the zodiac signs, they venture out and are go-getters, often leading the way. Their upbeat and magnetic personality often entices others to follow their lead because Aries personalities bring excitement into others lives."    Yeah, I agree.   

"Underneath the strong, independent surface may lie insecurity. This is due to the intense drive to succeed and Aries put too much pressure on themselves, thus resulting in self-doubt however, the natural optimism and enthusiasm overtakes this and the underlying insecurity may never be known to others."    ....seriously, totally true.

 I'm definitely a typical Aries.  And I always smile when people guess my sign, because they always guess Aries right away.   It's me.  It fits perfectly.

...but don't expect a tattoo anytime soon, mmmkay?

A S L.

I'm learning.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 06: 30 Facts about Me.

1. I'm completely OCD, and worse when I'm stressed.

2. I started this blog as a private journal, so I wouldn't have to write in a journal each night.  Now it's definitely not a journal and it's definitely not private.   ...and I like it better this way.

3. My right ear never pops, even at the top of the mountains.

4. I constantly pull faces in the mirror, even when I'm alone.

5. My nose is always stuffy when I wake up in the morning.  ALWAYS.

6. I drive with my knees 80% of the time, and I keep my arms folded across my chest.  Much more comfortable.

7. Sometimes I forget my age when people ask me.  I still like to respond "21" until I realize that I'm really 23.

8. One time, my boobs were triple D's.

9. I have always said that my life long goal was to ride an elephant.  I have no idea where the goal came from, but now my heart is set on it and I can't go back.  Circus, here I come.

10. I sleep with my puppy, Onslo, every night.  He wakes me up at 6am every morning to go to the bathroom.  0600 on the dot.   I let him out and we go back to bed until noon.  He's the best.

11. I used to catch frogs and tadpoles at this nasty gross pond when I was younger.  It was about a 30 minute hike and I don't have any idea how I found out about his pond or why I decided to climb in the pond and look for tadpoles.

12. I've felt a giraffes tongue.  Twice.

13. I have this intense dream to make a sign that says "free hugs", stand somewhere in a crowded place, and hug people all day long.

14. When I was younger, I jumped rope for hours.  Then, I'd have big bruises on my knees from my knees knocking together.  I was super tall and gangly with the biggest most bony knees you've ever seen.

15. I've been in love a total of two times.  However, I've told 9 boyfriends that I loved them.

16. Monkeys are BY FAR my favorite animal.  EverI could watch them for hours.

17. This summer I hope to buy a long board and practice my boarding skills under the summer sun.

18. Halloween is my most favorite holiday. My birthday is a close second.

19. I'm wicked afraid of the dark. And divorce.

20. I've got $10,000 in student loans.  Exactly $10,000.  Not a penny more, not a penny less.

21. I really look forward to being pregnant, one day.  Feeling the baby kick and turn and wiggle about.

22. I apply about 4 coats of mascara every morning.

23. I don't believe in hell.

24. When I was yonger I had a teddy bear named Eddy Teddy. I kept him on my bed until I was 21. I still can't get rid of him.  He's downstairs in our guest bed, and I get real upset when I see him laying with a stack of toys or face down on the carpet.

25. I'm an auditory learner.

26. I could eat hamburgers for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

27. One time, I tried out to be on The Bachelor.

28. I've had every single possible color of hair.  Including pink and purple.

29. The longest I've been able to wear acrylic nails is 4 days. 

30. I will stop dating/talking to someone if they are a poor speller.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 05: Suicide.

I'm almost positive I've blogged about this before, but wasn't able to find the post to reference.  So, this may be a repeat, kinda.  

Firstly, I've never thought of ending my own life.  Not ever.   I absolutely love my life and I cherish it with every fiber of my being.  It's super important to me and I feel extremely lucky to be given the opportunity of being here in the place that I'm at, with the family I've got, the freedom I have, the friends that support me, the education I'm offered and the opportunity to grow.   I would never jeoperdize that, ever.

Secondly, as mentioned before, my dad committed suicide when I was young.  I'm still extrememly angry and hurt by it, even after 18 years.  I think it's a cop out.  I think it's selfish.  I think it's incredibly insulting to the ones you leave behind.  I feel like what he left behind wasn't worth anything to him, he didn't care.  He thought dying would be more beneficial that seeing his own children grow and mature.  He thought leaving and running was a better alternative than living.

Suicide is frustrating to me.
It's something I will never understand.
It's something I will never accept.
It's something that I will never be okay with.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Credit Cards, part 2.

Remember THIS post about my terrible credit card debt?

Welp, it's gone.
All $880.00 of it.   PLUS the $540.00 credit card I used to buy books.
Both of them are down to $0.

Ahhhhh, feels nice.
Now, let's go shopping.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 04: Religion.

I wrote this a while ago, can't remember if I posted it or not.
So, here is a repeat.  Good enough to post twice. 

Religion blows my mind.  It has always blown my mind, and it probably always will blow my mind.  I love to hear different beliefs, and I love to learn about different religions.  I love to talk about god, heaven, temples and church because I like to learn. 
I love to read blogs about religion and I love to YouTube religious topics.  I could talk for hours about people's beliefs and the things my friends were taught.  It fascinates me. 
I don't know much about religion, and I don't attend church.  I haven't been on a mission and I haven't read the bible.  I don't study the Book of Mormon, or any other religious book.  Sometimes, I forget to say my prayers at night and sometimes I swear.  But, at the end of every conversation, my beliefs are always the same. 
I truly believe that I'm going to heaven. 
My religious beliefs are simple, and I think very much that God approves.  I believe in treating every person with respect, no matter what he/she beliefs.  I believe in being kind to strangers, friends and enemies.  I believe in treating everyone as I would like to be treated.  I believe in making friends and avoiding enemies. I believe in family and honesty. I truly believe that if I treat everyone with respect and kindness of my heart, that I will go to heaven. 
No questions asked. 
I still like to discuss religion, and I still like to talk about beliefs.  I love to learn and I love for my knowledge to grow, and I won't judge those who don't believe the same things I believe, and I hope that others don't judge me for not being LDS, Catholic, Muslim, Jew, or Atheist. 
I'm just Callie..and I always will be.

Day 03: Drugs and Alcohol.

I'm skipping day 02. 
We all know where I'd like to be in 10 years
Married. Kids. RN. Traveling.   
Yes, please.   

Day 03:View on Drugs and Alcohol.

Well, I drink.  ...probably more than I should.  Recently I went boarding with my cute sisters and I drank way more than I should have and had a super embarrassing experience.  That was a good wake-up call for me and I'm learning that maybe I should take a little breather.  Maybe I should steer clear of the hard alcohol.  Beer is my friend, vodka is not. 

My dad was an alcholic.  He also did drugs.
Because of his addiction, he took his own life.  He wasn't able to overcome it.  
I don't like drugs.  I don't like to talk about drugs.  I don't like to see drugs.
It scares me All of it.  It makes my heart pound and my palms get sweaty.

Not my thing.
Not even kinda.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 01: Relationship Status.

I wish I had some wicked awesome story to tell you about my dating life, but sadly, I do not.  I'm just a regular single girl, going to school and such.  

Truth is, I don't do well in relationships.
Things get serious and I start to panic.  I back out once I feel smothered and I run for the hills.  I usually blame it on school, saying I "just don't have time for a boyfriend".   Commitment issues would be an understatement.

Single life really works great for me though.  I really don't have time for a boyfriend.  School is oober important to me, more than anything else in my life.  School is what I live, breathe and eat.  It's all that I think about.  It's a big deal.   So, a boyfriend just wouldn't lastNot right now. 

Maybe, once upon a time, I'll be able to stay committed.  I'll graduate and have a big open heart to the idea of a honey

But until then, my love is Nursing

Hey, me too.