Monday, November 30, 2009


Ready to add some umph to my life.

WSU Student Government,
and Church.
...the baptist kind.

I'm needing some inspiration and positivity in my life.
This is my solution.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Mom's Birthday.

Today is my mom's birthday.

You know how people always think that
their mom is the best mom in the whole world?

Welp, it's actually MY mom who is the
best mom in the entire world.

She does anything for anyone, and never second guesses it.
She gives and gives and gives some more
and she never forgets to wear a smile.

I am the woman I am today because of my mom, because of the example she sets for me, because of her determination, because of her optimism, because she never gave up.

My mom is an incredible woman, a wonderful mother, a loving wife, a sweet grandmother, a best friend, a great sister.

Think of every wonderful adjective in the world and you'd be describing my mom.

And she carried me up our stairs until I was in the 7th grade.

...and she cleans my hair out of the shower drain.
...and she never throws away my bobby pins.
...even when I leave them all over the house.
...and she doesn't get upset when I ask what's for dinner.

...or when I assume she's cooking.
...and she comments nice things on my blog.
...and she lets me use all of the hot water in the entire house.
...and she shares her makeup with me.
...and she comes in on Saturday morning and lays with me on my bed.
...and she tells me I'm pretty when I'm really a wreck.

She's amazing, ya'll.
And I'm super lucky that she's mine.

Love you, Mom.
Happy Birthday.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Ho, Ho, Ho.

STILL doesn't feel like Christmas to me. I changed my header in hopes of bringing the Christmas spirit.

Is it working?

Moving on Up.

I applied for a hospital job, same day surgery CNA.
Just got an E-mail back from them saying I'm still up for consideration and they will call me for an interview.


Keep your fingers crossed for me.
...this could mean free tuition in a year.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Exhibit A:

Why I love the Scrambler at Lagoon.
...and Janelle.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Fishing with Dad.

Since my dad passed away 18 years ago, I've had no memory of him.
NONE. I remember nothing about him. Not his eyes, his smell, his voice, his mannerisms. Nothing. All I have is pictures.

...until 2 days ago.

I was studying in my room. It was about 1 in the morning. I was listening to my iPod, learning about the immune system. And suddenly, I remembered fishing.

I started seeing people, and chairs. I remembered a fishing pole I held that was pink. I remember sitting on rocks. I remember it being windy. And I remembered a man and a woman.

Immediately I assumed it was my cousin, Chris and his wife Kayleen. Seemed logical.
But the more that I thought, the less it made sense.

And that's when it hit me.
This memory was my dad. MY dad. MY father.
MY memory.

I remembered.

And my heart got full. And my eyes teared up. And I absorbed it all in.
..because I remembered my father.
and I'll never forget.

Where I've Been.

Welp, I'm at the library. My favorite place. LOVE it here.

Girl next to me is studying. Scrubs.
...With the WSU logo on them.
She's a nursing student, I'm sure of it.

and then I remember that I'm a tadpole, comparing myself to sharks (again) and I take a deep breath.

I've come a long way, and I need to remember to be proud of myself. I need to stop focusing so much on what I haven't done, and focus on the things that I have accomplished already.
Like the fact that:
I've finally picked a major that I love.
I've pulled my GPA up from a 2.9 to a 3.2.
...and still increasing each semester.
I've gotten B's in both Anatomy and Phsyiology.
[Two hardest classes in the Nursing field.]
I'm loving class, loving school, loving learning.

AND, I'm continuing to grow as a young woman, student, and person.
I'm doing great.
...and I'm proud.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Out of the 84 people in my phone,
only 15 are not married/in a relationship.
82% of the people I know have a significant other.

A) People need to stop hooking up.
B) I can't believe I just took the time to count that.
C) I need more friends, 84 is a sad number.

Chestnut Brown.

Something about this weather makes me want to dye my hair. I did.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Waiting on Me.

Sometimes I wonder what life would be,
if I wasn't who I am--a different me.
If I had done things in a different way,
Give more in some areas or take things away.
If I stayed in relationships that I wanted to end,
if I were still close to my very best friends.
If I never moved out, or if I never moved back,
if I tried harder in the areas that I now lack.
Would I still be who I am today?
Would I still shine in the same way?
Would I be stronger, wiser, or better than now?
Would I change the way I know how?
Would I be just as great, or would I be even greater?
Would I get things done that I said I'd do later?
Would I worry less and try to do more?
Would I open a window where I closed a door?
Should I regret and think back to the past?
Or should I worry now on the times that will last?
Should I forget where I've been, and know where I'll be?
Should I let old self go and learn to be the new me?

Self-doubt is what I'm feeling, when I know that I'm great,
Just takes time realizing,
....and I'm too impatient to wait.


Just signed up to be a lab instructor for Physiology next semester.
...instant A if you register for my lab.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Right on Track.

Scored an 88% on my Physiology test.


...that's all.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Just deleted my entire library and iPod.
Thought maybe it was time to grow out of
my high school music. It's been 5 years.

Probably time to move on to bigger and better. Miley Cyrus.

My Therapist: The Holiday.

Explain something:
Why do I keep going after something that I know I don't want?
...and when I give up and stop chasing, it comes back even better than before?

Iris, from The Holiday:
"I happen to know the answer to this. Because you're hoping you're wrong. And every time he does something that tells you he's no good, you ignore it. And every time he comes through and surprises you, he wins you over, and you lose that argument with yourself, that he's not for you."

Yes, exactly.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Josh #3's birthday today.
[Happy Birthday, Josh #3]

Went to his birthday bash after work and over hear some dudes talking about highschool and how they knew each other. One asked the other when he graduated. His reply: 08.

Uhhh, as in two-thousand and eight?!

Suddenly I felt like I was 100 years old and left immediately.
What a party-pooper.

Friday, November 13, 2009

O C D.

I don't know if you noticed or not, but my header is too big for the outline around it. It fits perfectly on the left side, then hangs over the edge on the right side.

Drives me NUTS.
Someone, please F I X it.
Fixed it. Thanks, Mackenzie.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

CNA story, #654.

Funny resident story:
CNA was helping resident to bed, asking about his dog.

She says "How old is Lucy?"
He says "How old are my feet?! ...about as old as I am, I guess."

Can't wait to be old.

Negatives of Blogging.

You know when..
you want to blog about all the terrible, horrible, silly, funny, great, random things that happen to you, but you're too afraid because you never know who reads your blog?
Yeah, me too.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I like my TV via DVD.

Someone please buy me the full series of Sex and the City.
..also, buy me some time to finish House, Season 4 and the Friends series.

and Thank You.

MBP: Crushing my Ego.

Uhhh, I may have just made a big
ego-crushing decision.
I agreed to having Mormon Bachelor Pad rate me.

Be prepared to tell me I'm pretty afterwards, this sounds pretty brutal.

Starbucks vs. Dane Cook.

When I'm reviewing my notes, I always know which days I got a Pumpkin Spice Latte' before class and which days I didn't.

Pumpkin Spice days have LOTS of notes and scribbles and fun facts all over my notes.

Non-Pumpkin Spice days are plain, which means those are the days I put my iPod on and listened to Dane Cook to keep me from falling asleep mid-lecture.

Thank Goodness for Starbucks.

Monday, November 9, 2009

B L O G.

Blog is a silly word, for something so wonderful and great. should be called "twinkles" or "fluff" or something other than 'B L O G' because that sounds silly.

and Blogging is definitely NOT silly.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Birthdays, all around.

Today is my blog BIRTHDAY.
...Let's celebrate. Drinks on me!

[Except I have to work, so drinks are available at Mountain Ridge,
and none of them are alcoholic.]

Also, it's Josh's birthday. He's 25 today and he still makes me smile.
He's a charmer and a flirt and he always
knows what to say to make me weak in the knees.
...and I miss him.

Happy 25th birthday, you old man.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Just did some math.
If my numbers are right, I can get C's on the next
two tests and still pull a B out of the class.


[Of course, I'll shoot for A's but it's good to know I have a safety net.]

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Halloween is my F A V O R I T E.
This halloween my sisters and I were a part of Crawl-O-Ween.

Here is the story--
We went to Green Street in SLC, got a wrist band for $10.00 and then bar hopped for free for the next 5 hours. We had a tour guide to help us along the way, with a group of 30 other people dressed in their best halloween attire. Each bar gave us a prize, trick or treating for adults.

First stop: Cassies.

We took Trax to downtown.

Went to a couple bars.

Sang along at the Piano Bar.

...almost got into a fight with some drug dealers. Ate some breakfast. Pulled an all-nighter. Worked an 8 hour shift the next morning. Did some trick-or-treating at Mountain Ridge. Ate some chili. Went to bed at 8pm.

Had a B L A S T.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Physiology test, 50 questions.
7 of the missed questions I was torn between two answers.
7 of the missed questions, I picked the wrong answer.

I was torn 50/50 and
picked the WRONG answer 100% of the time.

Son of a...
This is why I don't gamble.

Just The Tip.

I apologize to you if I don't seem real eager
to jump into a forced, awkward intimate situation
that people like to call dating.

I don't like the feeling.
You're sitting there, you're wondering,

Do I have food on my face?
Am I eating?
Am I talking too much?
Are they talking enough?

Am I interested?
I'm not really interested. Should I play like I'm interested?
But I'm not that interested, but I think she might be interested.
But do I want to be interested? But now she's not interested.
So now, all of sudden I'm...I'm starting to get interested.

And when am I supposed to kiss her?
Do I have to wait for the door?
'Cause then it's awkward, it's like "Well, good night."

Do you do like the ass-out hug?
Where you like hug each other and the ass sticks out
because you're trying not to get too close.

Or do you go right in and just kiss 'em on the lips
or don't kiss 'em at all?

It's very difficult trying to read the situation
and all the while you're just really wondering,

"Are we gonna get hopped enough
to make some bad decisions?"
And perhaps play a little game called "Just the Tip"
just for a second, just to see how it feels.