Sunday, June 12, 2011


Hey blog land.
Where you been?

The past four days I've been in a training. A crazy, life-changing, weight lifting training.
It's called impact. Heard of it?

The idea is to attend and let go of your past and the feelings you've been holding onto, whether it be bad, awful, terrible or ugly. Then, you rebuild yourself into a better and more positive human being.

Since Wednesday I've: met some wonderful people, heard some inspiring stories, opened up, broke down my walls, saw my past and wasn't afraid of it, let go, allowed myself to feel those feelings that I've been surpressing, and really truly let go of my baggage.

I no longer see myself as a victim. I no longer feel like I MUST please everyone and everything. That's a big, big, big deal for me. And I feel like just I took off this huge bookbag full of crap and mush and guck that I've been carrying for 24 years.

SO refreshing.

Now, blogland, I'm not one to preach or to sell. But, if you have something heavy weighing on your mind, or if you feel like you need something more to life, impact is an excellent resource for that. Here is the website if you're interested. ...and if you're from Utah, you're lucky. Impact is the only one of it's kind in the entire world, and it's located right here in South Salt Lake. B O N U S.

End rant.

1 comment:

Life as a Lindsay said...

This is so inspiring. I have some emotional baggage that I need to get rid of and I am really looking into this now. I had never heard of such a thing and I am really excited now. So thanks!!(: