Monday, September 26, 2011

Busy Nursing Bee.

I feel lost without blogger.
I miss it, terribly.

Nursing School has been...busy.
That's the best word for it.

Who has time to blog when we cover 9 chapters of material in 32 hours of class time? Plus, two tests to study for.  And a presentation to create and present.  And 2 days of clinicals.  And a 15 page paper to type about our patient from first day clinical.    And another 3 page paper about the second patient we received on the second day of clinical.    All of this is completed in 192 hours.

And that's only what is asked of us.
And on top of that, add 24 hours of working.

What's crazy is, I don't even have it the worst.  There are people in my class working 40 hours a week to support a family and children.  They come home to dinner, dishes, laundry, and a spouse.  

It's no wonder people are at their breaking point.

We have someone in our class crying, daily. 
Someone who is threatening to drop the program completely.
Some who make jokes just to keep from crying.
Some who sleep during class, because the other hours of the day are too busy.

It's madness.

And it's set up in this fashion to weed out those who can't handle it.   Nursing is stressful.  Sometimes you don't sleep. Sometimes you don't get to see your family. Sometimes there is so much information and tasks on your plate, you have to learn to prioritize and weed out what's less important.   That's nursing.   That's how it's done.    And that's what they are preparing us for.

All I can say is, bring it on.
Maybe I'll survive, maybe I won't.
But I'm definitely going to try.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

Thanks for this. While I'm not in a nursing program (yet), I've already been dreading all the hard work it will be for me and my family. But this has actually helped put it in perspective. Thanks.