Monday, September 16, 2013

Wife. Mom. Nurse.

Well, after my last post, I've made a decision.  I'm staying part time.   All the support and comments I received was super helpful.  You were all right.   How on earth can I stay away from this cute face?! 

Being a mom is more than I ever thought it could be. I've heard before that it is the most important calling, and I couldn't agree more.  There isn't anything more I want to do than hold Hazel in her rocking chair by the window.  I literally could do it all day long.   

Before I was pregnant, I thought I could never be a stay-at-home mom.  I thought it would be boring and same-old-thing.  

Uhhhh, I was very wrong. 

Nothing makes me happier than being home with Hazel and Caden.  When I am away from either of them, I think about them at least every 5 minutes, no exaggeration.   I cry when I leave for work and I smother her to pieces once I come home. 

I feel incredibly blessed to be a mother.  I feel incredibly blessed to be a wife.  I love everything about providing for a family and taking care of a home. I love being here for my family and I love making sure both of their needs are fully met.

I am first a wife, second a mother, and last a nurse.   And that's exactly the order I prefer.  

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