Thursday, April 2, 2009

Debt Free, They Way to Be.

Guys, I work at a bank.
No new news, to most of you.

So all day I look at accounts in debt, in the red, in the negative and head over heels in loans.

I've spent all 22 years of my life debt free, and I like it that way.

I don't ever want to be in a position where I can't make a payment, or where I owe someone or someplace money. Never. Ever.

So how do you avoid it?
..what about car payments? House payments? Times when you just can't make ends meet?
How do you pay off your house in ten years, pay off your car, have no credit cards, and no personal loans?

What's the Secret?

Teach me.

[AHHH! Freaks me out.]

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