Monday, September 21, 2009

What time is the dentist? Tooth Hurty.

Went to the dentist today for a filling. Dentist decided to pull a wisdom tooth. I knew I had to be to work at 2, but I remember last time going 4wheeling after my teeth were pulled and I thought this time would be the same.

Definitely. Not. The. Same.

My tooth was a real beast. Roots under another tooth. Turned all ski-wamp-ous.
Bad. News. Bears.

So, I called in sick to work. My face is the size of a softball. I have been popping loratab every 4 hours, and drooling because it hurts to swallow.

Son of a..


Anonymous said...

dang girl! that is sucky! my face got all sorts of swollen after my wisdom teeth got pulled...not fun!!

P and C said...

Bummer Callie! I'm sorry you had to have a wisdom tooth removed-hope you get feeling better soon!!

kaLee said...


Anonymous said...

I hope your feeling better : )
I had mine taken out while post just made me happy I did!

Kell and Haylee said...

If it makes you feel better Kell had his surgery last week... :)