Wow. What a
Probably the most eventful year of my entire life.
By far. Let's recap.
December 2010 my mom separated from her husband of 15 years. Best decision she has ever made for herself. So, January 2011 was spent figuring out what we were going to do as two single girls living alone and trying to support ourselves. I was accepted into and started the nursing program at DATC. Scared as I possibly could be and not realizing what I was getting myself into.
February was spent studying. And studying a LOT. I was trying to figure out everything I could about nursing and how to study, and when to study, and where to study, and who to study with. As a matter of fact, I'm STILL trying to figure all of that. Hopefully I figure it out soon, seeing as how I'm almost graduated now. Oh dear. And when I wasn't studying, I was boarding. Studying and boarding. That was February.

March was a big month for me. This is when I finally met my Caden and it couldn't have come at a better time in my life. I was feeling lost and needed something or someone to look forward to. I was just going through the motions, not having any real direction. And Caden is exactly what I needed. We had our first date on March 11th and the rest is history. He taught me how to drive a stick, how to long board, how to cook, and about religion. We spent majority of our days together, and when we weren't together we were texting each other all day. Who knew it would lead to something this great?
April was when we finally decided to be a "couple". Best decision of my life. April was when I learned how to deliver babies, and brought 3 people into this world. Such an incredible feeling. We painted easter eggs, we talked about our future, we made dinner together, went to Wendover and won big together and we said the "L" word for the first time together.
May was the month my sisters and mom and I met with a psychic lady. Supposedly she speaks to those who have crossed over to the other side. She answered some unanswered questions about my Dad's death and put my mind at ease.
May was also spent enjoying the sun. We both were out of school for the summer and we played all summer long. We had picnics, jumped on the tramp, long boarded, went to the midnight showing of Pirates of the Caribbean, played at Nickelcade and played outside all day long.
June was our first trip together. We went to St. George with his mom and sister and spent the entire time long boarding and laying out by the pool. I had my first heart to heart with my future Mother-in-Law and realized what an incredible family I could possibly be marrying into. I went to Pride and supported my sister and her girlfriend in their relationship and celebrated their love for each other.
I enrolled in Impact, a training course to help you overcome some life struggles. I went in hopes of dealing with my father and it was the first time, in my whole life, I was able to feel what I wanted to feel about my Dad without having to talk to anyone or explain myself. June was the first time I could talk about my Dad without feeling anger or hurt.
June was also the month Caden met my step-dad, Jeff. Jeff gave his blessing on our relationship, the first time Jeff has EVERY approved of anyone I have EVER dated.
July was the month my mom got a boyfriend. First boyfriend since her divorce. Having a mother date after 15 years is a strange feeling. Teaching her how to text a boy, how to avoid kissing a boy at the door, how to kiss a boy when you want to kiss him, how to go on a date, how to avoid a date, etc. It's a weird feeling waiting up for her and hoping she had a good time on the date. And exciting to hear all the details and the exciting things that happened. Or the not so exciting.
Caden went to Lake Powell for one whole week with his family. No phone service. No hearing from him. I was a complete mess. Not being able to talk to someone that you love for a solid week is absolute torture. I think I spent a week solid on the couch crying and wondering if my boyfriend was safe or even alive.
Once he came home, we decided we definitely don't want to be apart ever again. And started talking Marriage. Rings. Ceremony. Temple. Kids. Homes. and our future together.
Also in July, I accidentally almost started the entire neighborhood on fire with a faulty firework.
August 3rd Caden turned 22. We celebrated in St. George and went to see my first play at the outdoor theater in Tuachan. Caden took me to my first concert at Warped Tour--scariest day of my life. Those people are angry. I spent the entire day in complete shock and have never been more interested in people watching. We went to the duck pond, we played Settlers of Catan every single night almost, played in the rain storm, swimming over and over at Seven Peaks with our Season Passes, saw Tangled in the park, Lupe Fiasco concert in the park, and went R I N G shopping.

September I saw my first colonoscopy for school. Quite interesting on the big screen. We went to the Dew Tour, I met his grandparents and fed their horses, I went to my second R E A L soccer game in my whole life, I studied a lot. LOT LOT LOT. I had a melt down about school, about work, about missing Caden. And then I studied more. Also, September was the month I was able to take the sacrament truthfully for the first time in my life.
October I saw my first face lift, live. Made me realize I never want to have plastic surgery. EVER. I took Caden to his first haunted house of his life even though he was scared. We started attending a marriage class in our church. Learning a lot about each other and about being eternal companions. Did some more ring shopping. Did some more talking of marriage. Caden got sick and I got to play nurse. Invited all of our friends over for a Halloween party and made Caden dress up for the first time in his adult life. Halloween is my favorite.

November was the month I found pinterest. Uhhh, best find ever. I met with my family to talk about my Grandpa. He is declining and declining fast. We made some plans to help out as much as we could. I went to Primary Children's hospital as a nurse and realized pediatrics is way too scary and not my cup of tea. We had Thanksgiving together and it was the first time on a holiday that I've wanted to be with my boyfriend more than my own family. This love thing is for real. So real, in fact, that we got E N G A G E D in New York City. The most perfect proposal I've ever read about, seen, heard about, witnessed, or dreamt of.

And finally, December. December was the month of the big wind storm. Things were blowing away, trees were tipping over, it was madness. I graduated as an LPN and passed my NCLEX after much tears and stress. We had our first Christmas together as an engaged couple. I spent Christmas Eve at my Grandma's with my siblings, Aunt and cousins. My granpa passed away, after a battle of Alzheimers and we had the most incredible viewing and celebration of his life. Caden and I kissed into the New Year at the corner of Temple Square under fireworks.
Cheers to 2011.
and Welcome, 2012.
It's going to be difficult to beat 2011. It was an incredible year.
and I have a feeling life is only going to get more and more incredible.
and I'm more than okay with that.