Friday, August 10, 2012

Cassie's Engaged.

Nothing makes me more happy than people in love.
...and nothing says "love" like an engagement.

Last weekend my big sister got engaged to her girlfriend of two years, Miss Lacey.   Cassie is one-of-a-kind girl and Lacey matches Cassie like salt matches pepper.

....or a more romantic analogy.

Lacey took Cassie up to the mountains for a fishing trip.  They fish all the time together and they are good at it.  They have their very own canoe, fishing poles, and gizmos and gadgets to catch all sorts of big fish.

Bet Cassie didn't know she was catching a fiance' today.

That's the ring there, on the end of the pole.
How romantic.

And this is Cassie as happy as a clam.

And this is them together.
Super in love.
Super perfect for each other.

This makes me happier than a sister could ever be.   I've always been protective of Cassie and of her relationships.  I've always felt like I needed to defend her and support her and educate people on the LBGT community.   

Cassie never has been that way.

Cassie just lives.  And she just does.   She doesn't give a care about what people think and she doesn't worry about what those have to say.  She doesn't try to defend herself because, to her, there is nothing to defend.  She doesn't defend her relationship in the same way that I don't have to defend mine It just is. And I find that incredibly inspiring.

Jenny Boylan, author of She's Not There said it best.   "I'm sorry I can't make it make more sense to you.  But it is what it is.  Whether I 'really am' gay, whether I 'had a choice' or not, whether anything no longer matters.  Having an opinion about homosexuality is about as useful as having an opinion about blindness. You can think whatever you'd like about it, but in the end, your friend is still blind and surely deserves to see."  

Cassie just is.  And her relationship with Lacey just is.   It's normal and it's healthy and it's obviously natural.  Their love for one another is completely beautiful and Lacey makes Cassie happier than anyone ever has.  I am so glad that Cassie found her lobster and I'm so very glad that lobster is Lacey.

Congratulations to them both.
...and hooray for love.


Unknown said...

aww Callie I love what you wrote. I also love how much my 3 daughters love and support each other. NOTHING makes me happier.

Crystal Valentine Garner said...

I haven't read your blog in forever. I forgot how much I love it. I'll have to read it more often.
This is a beautiful post! I have only met Lacey once, but she glows and I could tell instantly that she loves life. And more importantly that she loves Cassie.
My husband's Aunts are a Lesbian couple with 4 adopted children and they are one of THE most beautiful, amazing family I have ever met! I wish everyone in America could meet them.
I'm SO happy for Cassie and Lacey and know they will have a beautiful life together!

Chloe said...

I love this, and how you wrote it. SO cute, and CONGRATS to Cassie :)