Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Hazel turns 14 months.

This sweet girl is 14 months old.  She's the sweetest girl with a hilarious personality.   She loves to play peek-a-boo, snuggle with Mommy and climbs all over Dad.  

She can say Daddy, Mommy, ba-ba, night-night, uh-oh, thank you, all done, buh-bye.  When asked "what goes the lion say?" She will growl, or meow like a cat, or chirp like a bird, or oink like a pig.  

She loves bubble guppies and will watch it all day.  She will take 2-3 steps and then falls.  She loves to eat crackers, yogurt, oranges and apple juice.

Her personality makes us laugh always and we are so proud of her.   ❤️

1 comment:

Ash. said...

Happy 14 months, Hazel!! She's so sweet!