Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 19: Disrespecting my Parents.

N E V E R.
Never ever.
No way.

My mom has this things I call "angry eyes" and they are super wicked scary.  I hate when she shows them.   I don't ever want to piss her off or make her unhappy.  It gives me nightmares

Plus, I dig my mom.  She's been an excellent parent and given me just the right amount of discipline with just the right amount of choice.  I felt I was able to choose most things for myself without a lot of pressure or push.  She helped me when I needed and she let me fall and skin my knees when appropriate.  I have no reason to disrespect her, ever.

Obviously I pushed the envelope from time to time.  That's what kids do.   But, I definitely learned my lesson.  She punished me and I probably cried, but I learned.  And that's what big girls do; they learn.

As far as my step-dad is concerned, that was a bit of a struggle.  He is an ex-marine.  He was hard on us.  We had rules and sometimes they were silly rules.  I didn't always listen because I didn't always agree.   We had rules about parking spots, wearing heels in the house, leaving my window open at night, chewing with my mouth open, stirring my cereal, talking during his TV shows.  Silly things.   I tried to listen and I tried to follow the rules, but if I don't agree with something, it's difficult.  

For the most part, I would say I listened.   I obeyed I did as I was told.
But 100% of the time, I respected my parents. 
Both of them.

I love them both.
I listen to them both.
...and they both have a huge impact on my life.

1 comment:

Estelle said...

Yeah. I didn't really "get" this topic...not that I am close enough to it to actually write about it yet but rules about stirring.....your cereal?
But my dad was a former marine too, love, so I can related. ;)