Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Recharging the Batteries.

I'm a people pleaser.  I have been my whole life, and usually it's convenient.  People tend to be nice to me when I'm nice to them.  Things tend to go smoothly when I can sugar coat things and make people happy.   

But, sometimes, people pleasing can be a nasty thing.
Like recently.

I was feeling drained and yucky.  I was living day to day and not doing much of anything that made me happy. I was worrying about making time for people who weren't really a necessity in my mind.  Trying to squeeze time in to see them, just to make them happy.  When in reality, all it was doing was stressing me out.  

"Okay, if I don't eat dinner and just read one chapter instead of two,
I will have time to stop by so-and-so's house to say 'hey' like they wanted."  

Well, great.   Now I'm not eating healthy, I'm not studying like I should and I'm not even excited to see so-and-so.  

This is when people pleasing can be a terrible thing.

So, I'm forcing myself to do things that I like to do.
I've turned my phone off and left it at home while I'm out.
I'm not texting or calling anyone, besides family.
...already feels so refreshing and it's only day two.

Yesterday, I went to bed early and woke up early.  Had time to make a good breakfast and pack a decent lunch.  Took excellent notes in class because I wasn't distracted with texting and facebook.  Came home for lunch with my mom, grandma and sister.  Went to the library to read a chapter, make a presentation, and memorize 37 words.  Then, watched Bachelor with my mom and sister.

Yes.  That's my kind of perfect day.
I feel great. Awesome. Amazing.
Refreshed and Recharged.

I feel like me.
Which I love.


pam said...

Sometimes we just have to re group.
Love ya Cal

Estelle said...

I am glad you are figuring this out, Callie my love. In order to be kind to ourselves, we sometimes have to cut of the parts of our life that don't really benefit us [and usually just end up dragging us down]. Take care of yourself, chickadee.