Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Weekend, above all other weekends.

Welp, I spent the past few days just smiling.  All day long.  Every day.
Mostly because I'm awesome.  And mostly because Caden spoils me.

Friday night wad double-date night with our married friends, Matt and Cheree.
We got some Costa Vida and played pictionary at home with my mom and neice.
This is the night I learned that A) I'm horrible at drawing motorcycles and B) I love pictionary.

Saturday night we went out with Caden's Dad and brother, Chrstian, to the Jazz game.  GO Jazz.     Never do I watch the game, because I'm an expert at people watching.  Best times of my life watching strangers do weird things.   Also, we got pizza at the pizza factory.  His dad is part owner, or something, and so we got the royal treatment which always makes me feel like a rock star.

Sunday is my most favorite day of the week, always.  Especially this Sunday because Caden had the night off, which means we got to spend the entire day cuddled on the couch watching Boys Meets World and taking naps upon naps.  We had popcorn and Lime Rickeys for dinner and played Settlers of Catan, the most addicting game in the world.  Besides Tetris.

Monday we F I N A L L Y got some snow in Utah.  Hooray.   So Caden and I piled on our snow gear and headed to Snow Basin.  Now, Snow Basin is my least favorite resort because I had one horrible snow day there and refused to like it ever again.  But, Caden charmed me into giving it another chance and it was a real good time.   Plus, how can you not have fun boarding with your fiance?  Seriously.

And Tuesday was my first day playing RN.  Clinicals in my WSU purple scrubs and a name badge that said RN Student.   I'm so close to the end.  I see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Nurse, here I come.  Then I took a two hour nap, an hour long shower, painted my nails and my mom made hamburgers.  Hamburgers.  Mmmmmm.

So now you know, reader, why I smile all the days.
"Alllllll the days" - Sadie Hall.

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