Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Emo Callie.

I'm sick, and emotional.
So I over reacted a bit when Josh told me that he was going to play basketball tonight and I wasn't going to be able to see him until tomorrow.

I expected him to take care of me, tickle my back, play with my hair, make me soup..etc.
Instead, he is playing basketball with his friends.
...and not that that's not okay, but I wished he were here with me instead.

It's time like these I wish I were a lesbian, because I know girls are much more motherly than boys...and a girlfriend would be over in a heartbeat.

And then I realize how great Josh really is and I remember why I am straight.
Damn boys.

As a side note:  I love when Josh and I get into a tiff and then after five or 10 minutes of bickering one of us finally gives in and apologizes and we realize how silly we are being.  It makes me smile every single time.  ALMOST makes the argument worth it, although I hate arguing. 

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