Thursday, January 22, 2009

Introducing Me.

My self-introduction for my Communication Course:
Tell me your thoughts.
I could tell you my name is Callie, and I am 21 years old and I was born and raised in Ogden. I could tell you I am the youngest of three girls and raised by a mother and step-father or I could tell you I work at America First Credit Union as a teller while I finish my Nursing degree.

But that all seems so cliche, so boring. Instead I'd rather tell you more about me, like how I am a serious blogger and I spend a lot of my time 4wheeling, sledding, boating, and cooking with my boyfriend of 2 years.

I've been playing softball since before I can remember. My ulitmate catch came my sophomore year playing center field and a fly ball hit to short stop. It was raining and the field was soaked but I thought if I ran fast enough I could catch it before the short stop got to it. I called for the ball and she stood for back up in case I missed. I was coming short so I took a risk and dove. I closed my eyes, opened my glove and hoped for the best..and caught it. I got the all star ball that game.

Not only was it a lucky catch and a rainy day, but even more suprsising I caught it because I'm a huge clutz. My senior year I was at a rival high school for a basketball game. I had my jersey on and my hoodie over. Me and a couple team mates were running up the stairs, headed to the locker room. I had my hands in my pocket to keep warm and tripped. Because my hands were in my pocket, I had no way of catching myself and face planted in front of the senior boys on the rival team. And wasn't the least bit suprised it happened, this is a very common occurence for me.

I'm a clutz, which might be the reason I don't like to run. If any of you have seen Friends, I am Phoebe. I run like I'm on drugs and I completely lose all control. I can't breathe, I sweat and I cry. Working out is not something I enjoy. I took a kick boxing class once with my oldest sister and it was a disaster. I was kicking other girls in the class instead of my punching bag, and I was laughing so hard I started to snort. I'm working on it. I'm trying to experience the phenomenon of working out but I'm not catching on.

Maybe it's the kick boxing that throws me off, the violence of it all. I'm not a big fighter and I'm not big on violence. I'm a firm believer a hug can solve things much faster than any sort of kick or punch. I'm a big hugger. Hugging is my way of life. I'm not religious, and I'm not political. I'm just a hugger. I live life pretty simple. I believe if I treat everyone nice and I be the best I can be, everything will fall into place.

Because I believe everything has a place. A place for everything and everything in it's place. That comes from the OCD inside me. I'm a ginormous organizer. I onced asked my boyfriend if we could head home early so I could organize his dad's kitchen. I love to organize. I've organized the office, lobby, cupboards and storage room at my work. I've organized my boyfriend's kitchen and cleaned his room while he was at work. I clean out my closet once a month and I make to-do lists reminding me to check my to-do lists. I'm organized. I'm clean. I'm simple.

But most of all,
I'm Callie Ann.
..and that's how I like it.


Brittany said...

A++ Callie! Your GPA is growing already from this awesome paper! Who is your teacher by the way? I had that class last semester.

Anonymous said...

You did great. This should be the about me on your blogger profile. I love you and everything about you. Great job.

Anonymous said...

That was no neat! you are a very good writter!! I loved it!