Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Following the Leader.

Don't be fooled, guys. I'm really not as cool as I look. I only have 10 followers, not 13.

The OCD side of me really wants those pretend blogs to be deleted. No one is there when I click the link, that "blogger" is not really "following" my blog.
...but Blogger won't let me delete them.


This is making me nuts.

I fixed it.
Don't know how, but it's gone.
Maybe you just have to bitch/blog about it.


Brittany said...

Seriously I have been trying to figure the exact thing out for at least a week. Let me know if you figure it out

Anonymous said...

That's been bugging me too. When I deleted my blog and made a new one, I wanted to go to yours and Brittany's pages and delete my old following thing.