Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Callie Ann _____.

With all these engagements and such, marriage has been the topic of conversation.
...and the more that I think about it, the more it makes me wonder.

Would I really change my last name to match my husband's?

I'm a Carter, I've always been a Carter and I always want to be a Carter.
..and more importantly, my dad was a Carter and it's one of the strongest bonds I have to him.

[Google "My Last Name" by Dierk's Bentley, right now. I dare you.]

Obviously I want to change my name to match my husband's.
I want people to know that I'm married.
I don't want to be one of those wierdo ladies that doesn't change her last name.

..but on the flipside, I'm Callie Ann Carter and I kind of like it that way.

Is it ridiculous to feel this way?
Is this part of my marriage phobia?
Don't you absolutley LOVE Dierk's Bentley's song?


Anonymous said...

YOu are absolutely adorable! you make me laugh so hard with all your cute little things in life. it could be a marriage phobia but i don';t think so.. Callie Ann Casper is Just as cute... and in time it will roll right off the tounge... hell nobody even remembers my maiden name... its Kalee S. Simon. LOL

Anonymous said...

Just do Carter-Casper. :D
Then you'll have both.
Callie Ann Carter-Casper.
You won't lose your bond with your dad but you'll still gain a new bond with your husband.