Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thomas, the Train.

I LOVE school.
LOVE it.

Weird, I know.
...but get over it.

When I'm not in school I feel so lost. I feel unorganized, wasting time, failing, not getting things done, not improving.

It makes me crazy.

I have to be improving, constantly. I have to set goals and I have to see myself achieve them. I have to know that I'm being successful, and I have to feel like I'm contributing.

When I picked my major, it wasn't for the medical reasons. It wasn't for the blood and guts, the money, or the job was because I would be helping others and I'll be improving my community.

I LOVE to help.
LOVE it.

I take after my Mom. I take care of everyone and everything. When my sister is in stress, I want to do everything for her and fix it all. When my mommy is sick, I want to take her temperature and fix her dinner. When Josh is upset, I want to tickle his back and take away all his grumpy thoughts.

I like to improve.
I like to see others improve.
..and I like to succeed.

I'm a goal setter, and a goal achiever.
..and I'm a damn good one.



Brittany said...

Yes you are. I love your thinking Callie! It's so hard for me to even take the summer off despite the fact that I probably need the break. I just feel lazy when I am not taking at least one class. I love how school makes me feel also!

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are. The world could learn a little something from you love.