My junior year in highschool is when it hit me that my own father wasn't a part of my life. He wasn't going to be at my graduation, my wedding, the day I bought my first house, had my first baby, received my diploma..big events that a Daddy should be there for.
I remember one day, after I had graduated, I went for a drive and was having a hard day. Out of nowhere I had an overwhelming urge to go to the cementery, something I hadn't done in probably 4 years. As I pulled in, I immediately started bawling. I pulled up to where I remembered his grave to be, got out of my car in the snow and my flip-flops, grabbed a blanket and started walking around trying to find his grave. I remember being so discouraged not being able to find where he was burried, and I remember thinking "Where are you? This is so typical of you, not being there when I need you."
After uncovering snow from several headstones, I gave up and went back to my car. I sat down and cried 13 years worth of tears, anger, hurt, shame, doubt, and fear. Day one of grievance, passed with an A+.
I didn't tell anyone about that day, and I tried to fight the anger I felt toward my father. When he was brought up in conversation, I left the room. I was hurt that he left our family and mad that he did it when I was so young. I hated that everyone had memories of him, except me. I had no pictures of him and I together, no memories, and no momentos.
About a year ago, my parents sat me down and we talked more seriously about my feelings and what I was going through. They suggested I see a therapist, and I was offended. My mom called a therapist, the same therapist my dad saw for his drug addiction, and I agreed to go.
My first visit went well, I did a lot of crying and she did a lot of listening. The second visit wasn't so successful. She did most of the talking and told me memories she had of my dad. Memories SHE had of MY father, that I didn't have. I got pissed, and I remember thinking "why does everyone has memories of him, except me?" I didn't go back, and I haven't been back since.
I still struggle with his passing, and I am still going through the grieving process. It's wierd, and it's different and it's hard to explain. It's been 17 years and I'm just now grieving, and grieving over a person I remember nothing about. I'm dealing with it though, and I've made progress. He has always been my father, and will always be my father. And despite the anger I had and the hurt I have felt, I will always love him and I take Memorial Day to remind not only him of that, but myself.

Aw, Cal, that almost made me cry. I'm so sorry about your father, but I'm sure he is thinking of you wherever he is. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom! You are very brave and strong!
I love you, Callie.
I am so glad you are getting better at dealing with it all and you are less stressed over it. It used to break my heart to know you were in pain because of him, or because of things I and/or other people said. I love you so much and so does he. You really are so strong and such a powerful and smart girl. I look up to you everyday for it and you are my guidance through my hardships. I always think about what you would do or say if I am in a conflict. Thank you for everything you do for me. I love you.
Callie you are so strong. I remember when you first told me about your dad, I thought wow. Your dad loves you I am SURE. You are definitely a person to be proud of.
Wow Callie-you are strong and brave to even be able to talk about this the way you do-good for you! I hope you are able to grieve better and easier as the time goes on. You are such a great and darling person, and I'm sure your dad is watching over you each and every day! Take care. :)
My memories of your father are always positive---he was smart, funny and people wanted to be around him. I felt he and your mom had a great thing and was very grieved to hear of his addictions and his subsequent death. No one can make up to you for missing out on your Dad and you will find your own way through grief. It is too simple to say that it was a long time ago, that you have great parents (I know you know Jeff is an awesome stepdad and better because he loved your Dad). I can't imagine not having my parents through most of my life, so I won't pretend to understand. I can tell you that losing a parent is life-changing at any age and for any reason. If that helps you NOT to feel different or that you missed out on something, I'll be glad.
Take care of yourself, don't let this "piece" take over the rest of your life. Live strong and know that your Dad is all around you ---
It breaks my heart to watch you go thru this pain but...its something you have to do. Just because its been 17 years does not make it any easier. He was a wonderful man and we all miss him very much. Its perfectly ok for you to be angry, you got ripped off. I still get angry as do Candie and Cassie.
The only thing that makes me feel better is that I know he is with you girls and watches over you every day. I truly believe with all my heart one day you will be together again and you be sure to tell him HOW MAD YOU ARE....
Hang in there sweetheart and know he loved you so very very much and he knew I would take good care of you, until he could be with you again.
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