Wednesday, May 27, 2009


This month has gone by in lightning speed. Greased lightning speed. Everything is happening so fast, and things are falling into place and I'm so ready for it.

Anatomy is clicking, and things are making sense. I love: my professor, my lab instructors, my work schedule, studying all day on Tuesday and Thursdays.
...I got a lot of love.

CNA is almost done, and over. Where did that whole month GO!? I did my clinicals today and had a resident poop in a garbage can. Loved it. I take my test next Thursday and then WAM-BAM-Thank You Ma'am. I'm CNA certified. [Job hunting this Saturday.]

Sent my nursing application in today for the Nursing Program. [..won't get in, because I'm missing a few requirements.] BUT, the fact that I am actually applying is a HUGE milestone for me. This means that I've picked a major I love, and I've made my mind up about my future. It means that I'm done taking classes I don't need, and I'm ready to move on and progress.

Things are coming together.
Falling into place.

I'm becoming me.
and I love everything about it.


Anonymous said...

Good job Callie. I am so glad everything is working out for you. I am so glad that you feel secure. You deserve it. I love you.

Kell and Haylee said...

BOOO to job hunting!

But I am glad you are LOVING IT! :)

Anonymous said...

yay callie that is so great!! i wish that i had your motivation about school!! good luck!! you will be a great nurse!!!