Saturday, June 13, 2009

Following the Leader.

What happened?
...all the sudden I'm following like 1000 blogs.
How did THAT happen?

1 comment:

Amanda@Imperfectly Beautiful said...

Ok, I have a confession. If you thought you were pissed before, wait till I tell you this...I was staying in Ogden at my cousin's house the whole time we were in Utah. We could have been next door neighbors and not even known it! I even went yard saling in some random north Ogden neighborhood. I sooooooo wish I would have announced my Utah trip to my blogger friends. Next time we will do a meet and greet. Lunch and shopping? I absolutely did not get enough of Sephora. I spent way too much and still want MORE! Wish we could have met, Callie. Still friends?
