Monday, June 15, 2009

Love, it's What Brings Us Together Today.

Love isn't an act. It's a whole life. It's staying with her now, because she needs you. It's knowing you and she will still care about each other when sex and daydreams, fights and futures, when all that is on the shelf and done with. Love. I'll tell you what love is: it's you at seventy-five and her at seventy-one each listening for the other's steps in the next room. Each afraid that a sudden silence, sudden cry, could mean a lifetime's talk is over. -Brian Moore.
This is how love is, in the eyes of me. When I think about my relationship with Josh, it doesn't seem real to me. It's like a dream. Not in a bad way, but in a "Did that really happen?" way. I loved him, and I cared about him and I wanted the best for him. But, I couldn't picture my life with him 70 years down the road. I couldn't picture him as a husband or a pappa bear to my babies. Big red flag.
Love isn't about making babies or getting married. Love is about making your partner as happy as you possibly can. Love is about doing everything for your partner and your partner doing everything for you. Love is about being supportive, caring, understanding, accepting, welcoming, motivating, uplifting, inspiring and sincere.
Love is a big deal, and I don't take it lightly. And the next time I fall in love, I kinda want it to be forever. and ever. and ever. and ever.


Brittany said...

Callie, I L.O.V.E this post. I don't want to forget it. It makes me as happy as it possibly can. It's supportive, caring, understanding, accepting, welcoming, motivating, uplifting, inspiring and sincere. :) Thanks for sharing!

LC said...

You're blog might be the cutest thing I've ever seen .. LoVe it! This post is adorable! Someday I too hope for a love as true as this ... old people are my favorite! Thanks for the cute and thoughtful post!