Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Where I've Been.

Welp, I'm at the library. My favorite place. LOVE it here.

Girl next to me is studying.
...in Scrubs.
...With the WSU logo on them.
She's a nursing student, I'm sure of it.

and then I remember that I'm a tadpole, comparing myself to sharks (again) and I take a deep breath.

I've come a long way, and I need to remember to be proud of myself. I need to stop focusing so much on what I haven't done, and focus on the things that I have accomplished already.
Like the fact that:
I've finally picked a major that I love.
I've pulled my GPA up from a 2.9 to a 3.2.
...and still increasing each semester.
I've gotten B's in both Anatomy and Phsyiology.
[Two hardest classes in the Nursing field.]
I'm loving class, loving school, loving learning.

AND, I'm continuing to grow as a young woman, student, and person.
I'm doing great.
...and I'm proud.


Anonymous said...

I am proud of you as well! :D
Everyone is.

T said...

This is Cass...
Crazy how things fall into place when you are doing something you love. So proud of you!