Monday, March 28, 2011


I've struggled with the LDS faith my entire life.
All 24 years.

I grew up in a non-religious family.  When I was young, my parents were active.  My dad got into some drugs and was ex-communicated.  My mom stayed active and attended all the lessons.   Eventually, she decided to be sealed to her three young girls.   She went to her bishop and explained her request.   Denied.   She was told she wasn't allowed to be sealed without the priesthood in our home.   After that day, she stopped going to church.

When I was in elementary school, my friends were all active.  The neighborhood kids all attended church and had fun activities and events that I wanted to be a part of.  I put on a skirt and walked to church each Sunday morning with my best friend.   I wasn't sure what was being taught and I didn't understand much of the lesson.  I knew about Jesus but the rest was over my head.  I remember having a lot of fun at church, though, but feeling out of place and very behind.   I was confused and uncomfortable

When I was in high school, dating became a big part of my life.  Most of the people asking me on dates were Mormon.  I was still curious about the religion and I wanted to learn more.  I signed up for seminary and I attended faithfully all three years.  I learned, I read my scriptures and I prayed for answers.   I liked a lot of the things the church had to offer and there were some really great things and ideas the church was doing for the community.   

One day during seminary, we discussed homosexuality.   The class discussion did not go well and I left feeling very offended.  I teared up during class, I felt assaulted and ridiculed.  I felt hurt and embarrassed.  I felt exposed and vulnerable.   I felt awful.   I wrote a letter to my seminary teacher and described how I was feeling, he apologized and the next day of class the lecture was handled in a completely different manner.   I left feeling better, but still upset and unsure.

After graduating, I dated a mormon for 2 years.  We talked a lot about marriage and what we wanted.  I was toying with the idea of a temple marriage and if that was something I wanted.  Of course I would love to be with my family in the after life, but my family includes my parents and siblings, not just a husband and children.  My parents are divorced and not sealed in the temple.  My sister is gay.   Neither option allows for a temple sealing.   Neither option allows for me to be with my family for time and all eternity, according the the LDS faith. 

Now, 24 years old, and I'm not a Mormon. 
I don't believe in the Mormon religion and
I don't believe in the things that are taught.  

Dating has been a huge struggle for me and I feel frustrated and discouraged.   I'm a girl of morals and standards, goals and dreams.  I'm confident, proud and accepting.  I'm close with my family and open hearted.  However, I'm turned away and not given the opportunity because I'm not a Mormon.   I'm pushed aside because I don't believe.   

I feel discouraged.

I feel not good enough because I'm not Mormon.
..and I don't think God would like it that way.


Amanda Bolton said...

Callie, I think you are just lovely. I would only hope lds boys don't over look you just because your not lds. Sadly in utah it's that way. If only everyone could see how confident, kind, and great you are. I hope one day you can find your happiness and a super great guy who thinks the world of you!!

Kaleena J. said...


i kind of grew up the same way.. i was baptized and all but my family NEVER went to church and the few times i would go with my friend in my neighborhood, i had no idea what was going on. and all my friends at school would make fun of me for not being active in church and would leave me out. to this day, i am not a fan of the lds church because they teach that if you are not like them, you are not "right" and that is awful and RIDICULOUS.

anyways, i've been where you are, but i don't think you should feel hurt! a great hunky man will find you who won't judge you and will be accepting and you will live happily ever after.

LyssaLou said...

You are a Great person no matter what your faith is. If certain people choose to take a different path because of their personal beliefs then it wasn't meant to be afterall. You are going to be handpicked by someone fantastic and as strong as you...someone who is designed just for Callie. I just know it :)

p.s. if certain Mormons offend you just remember that it is their own personal judgement not the teachings of the Gospel. We are taught to love and accept everyone no matter what circumstance

Your awesome :)

f said...

i feel like you said it yourself ... you thought about temple marriage. and you know what that means to a mormon - being married for time and eternity and being sealed to your family. but if you dont believe in that, how can you expect a mormon who believes in it to give it up? im not trying to be mean, at all. im just saying, from the other perspective, that may be the thought process.
on a side note - im a convert. and i frequently think about what it will be like in heaven. but i personally have faith that it will all work out when we get there.

Frazzled-Razzle-RN said...

Callie if you give yourself a chance to leave the area where you live for awhile (like with travel nursing) you'd come to learn that Mormonism isn't as popular in other areas.
You may come to find something different all together more inviting, loving, and warm where you'll be challenged to think about what you want and what's best for you. I’m a Christian and besides being with my family I look forward to going to church every Sunday, the lessons and teachings fill me with added strength to get through each week.
As far as a man goes, honey they'll be plenty of men at any age all dying to get to know you better because look how great you are, inside and out!

kelsey said...

Callie, You don't know me but I ran across your blog through a friends. Anyways, I have grown up in Utah and I know how hard it is. I have grown up in a Baptist family and while being young I wasn't allowed to hang out with the neighbor kids or join the "Bownies". I though that every mormon was like that, until I met my Boyfriends family. They are the most amazing people ever. they have excepted me for who i am, tattooed and clean or a year and a half.

Anyways, I just want you to know that you will find someone someday that will love you for who you are and WHO you are becoming. You are an amazing girl. Don't lose sight in that. :)

PS. sorry for rambaling

Jennifer said...

I know the feeling, and it's nice to know that others understand too. My town isn't exactly notorious for Mormonism, but my neighborhood and school was. Don't get me wrong, some of my friends are Mormon and are the greatest people ever, really! But there are others who are far too judgemental because you're not "like them." I think that can be said about nearly any religion, depending on their prevalent locations, respectively. But,'s a bummer sometimes!

milligankj said...

Callie I just wanna give you a hug after reading this post . . .

You just told MY life story too.
I moved to Utah when I was 11 and it changed my life and the way I felt about myself forever.
I felt like I was "dirty" and "bad" because I wasnt mormon. I didnt get invited to B-day parties or to the neighborhood pool parties and it permanately damaged my self esteem and I still deal with it to this very day.

I love god, and Im a very spiritual person. I agree with you that jesus would not like it if all of god's children were judging and outcasting eachother because not everyone believed the same things. I dont like organized religion in any sort because they are all set up to define who is and who isnt worthy of god's love. That is just not what my heart tells me is true.
WE are all equal and we are all here to learn lessons and strengthen our souls . . .
IM glad i have gone through the things I have while living in Utah for the past 14 years, because it has motivated me to think for myself and act accordingly. At the end of every day, mormon, baptist or whatever, we are all the same. WE are all equal.
THanks for sharing this Callie! I feel like we have a total bond here!

Cartoon Characters said...

wow. We got ridiculed for going to church! (non-LDS)

I agree with ZazzE. There is life outside of Utah, and I believe God is a loving being.

I have friends and relatives that are gay, and believe that God loves them too.

I just don't understand the hate and exclusions and the meanness that people feel has to accompany "religion" because I don't think God cares for that.

I believe that "religion" is man made and "Faith" is personal...and what counts.

oops! said...

Dear Callie, no one should ever feel this way! xoxo and I Love you!

Estelle said...

Callie, I grew up baptist. I mean, hell, my dad was a pastor.
Growing up with it around all the time, I have seen people do some horrible things in the name of their "religion."
But I don't think that God is like that. And it is taken me a long time to heal and recover from what religion has done to me.

Morgan Greaves said...

Oh Callie I'm sorry you've felt that way. You are beautiful inside and out, just like your mom. I have often heard my mom say "Pam is who I want to be like" and then give examples of simply wonderful things she has done. I've always had a lot of respect and love for your entire family. I'm sorry that you've had some of the feelings you've expressed, specifically with men. I'm sure many have adored you and haven't believed they are better than you. Their choice to stay true to their own personal belief isn't a poor reflection on you but just a difference they don't want to compromise on. I love your open, honest approach to life. This post was a good reminder to me to never make someone feel this way. People are all just people and we all need to feel love and accepted no matter who we are and what we believe. Morgan