Monday, April 4, 2011

Rolling in the Big Bucks.

0643 and I'm sitting at work.
Ran out of things to look at online, so I decide to do some calculations
Great idea at 0643.
Currently, as a part-time CNA, I make about 8,000 a year.
Once I get my RN and will work full time, my income will not double, not triple, not quadrauple.  My income will increase five times.  F I V E times.  From 8,000 to roughly 40,000.    And that's just a freshly new RN.   
Guys, this is a big deal.
I realize that 40,000 is not a lot of money to some people.
But, for a single girl who still lives at home and has maybe 3 bills, 40,000 is a LOT of money.
40,000 means Europe. and Mexico. and Ecuador. and a big fat down payment on a house.
Let's be honest, though.
40,000 will probably REALLY mean, paying some rent to my cute mom and paying off student loans.  
But, the Europe idea sounds way better.


Anonymous said...

40k is a lot of cash! Especially for a single girl! That's awesome. Almost makes me want to be an RN. Almost. That's really neat :) We're going to buy a house here soon too, can't wait!

Anonymous said...

How long 'til you are a RN?

Callie Ann said...

Ill be an RN next July! Woot woo. :)

Cartoon Characters said...

it's nice making that kind of money :) Wait until you get to the top of the pay scale!! :)

Estelle said...

Yay Callie!
And who knows? Maybe a trip to New Orleans? ;-)