Sunday, September 2, 2012

Mormon Message: Testimony Meeting

Today was testimony meeting in church.  

...for those few who are not Mormon, this is when people from the congregation stand and tell everyone their feelings about the church and something spiritual they would like to share.   Anyone can do it, we just all take turns to stand.

Well, I have never in my life shared my testimony in church.  I never felt like it was worth anything and I felt silly standing to share something I wasn't completely confident in.    Like learning to walk, I was still stumbly and wobbly and not quite ready to just start running.  

Today, though, I felt some serious burning in my chest to share.   However, I chickened out.  So, I thought what better place to share than my little blog?    Here goes nothing.

This week Caden and I had the opportunity to get our Patriarchal blessings.   Again, for those who are not Mormon, this is when you meet with a particular man of the church who is ordained to do this certain thing.  He gives a blessing, similar to a fortune teller.    It's sort of a guide towards your future and tells you some things that you may or may not already know.

Caden already has had his, mine is on Tuesday.

If you were to tell me 2 years ago that I'd be married, receiving a Patriarchal blessing, and planning a temple marriage, I probably would have laughed in your face.   The amount of change that my life has taken has been I N C R E D I B L E.   ...and completely worth it.

Caden has been such an inspiration to me and our story makes my heart melt.   Although Caden has been active all his life, we sort of have been discovering the church together.  We read our scriptures together, we pray together, we discuss things together, and we learn together.  He answers any and all my questions, even the ones that are completely ridiculous.  He never once laughs at me or makes me feel like a fool.   And the way our relationship has grown has been such a mind-boggling experience.

I've had so many little "missionaries" in my life who have pushed me towards the path I wanted to be on.  Some were more aggressive, others just offered a simple phrase or word to spark my interest.  I've had friends, family, teachers, managers and colleagues all guide me in a way that I will never forget.  

So, my testimony is this: Today I'm grateful for those who have helped me onto the path I am on.  So many have touched my heart and helped my testimony grow.  And it's not always the ones who are gung-ho in the church.  It's the cute mom who reads to her children at night. The cute couple who goes on date nights to get ice cream.  The Dad who plays games with his family after dinner.  The teacher who shares his struggles with the church and the way he overcomes them.   So many people have inspired me to live a better life, to do better, to become better.   My life has changed drastically because of them and I have never been in a better place in my life.

And for them, I'm so grateful.
...for the Gospel, I am so grateful.
For GOD, I am so grateful.
and for love, I am so grateful.


1 comment:

Nik said...

But I wouldn't expect anything less coming from your blog. You have a way with words i really admire.