Friday, September 21, 2012

Shop 'til You Drop.

When I'm on pinterest looking at fashion, it seems so easy to put an outfit together.  
Shirt. Pants. Shoes. Purse. Jewelery. Scarf.  
Ta-da.  DIVA.

In real life, I go shopping and I come home with 10 hoodies and 3 graphic T's that look exactly like the rest of the things in my closet.

Please, someone let me pay you to shop for me.
...and by "pay you", I mean "make you cookies".

mmmmkay.  Thanks.  Bye.


Brittany said...

I LOVE cookies. And shopping. So this sounds like a pretty good deal :)

Morgan Greaves said...

A-FREAKING-MEN! I do the exact same thing. Two weeks ago I actually printed off my favorite outfits from Pinterest and stuck them in my when I go to buy something if it isn't a piece that's in one of the pictures I walk away. Well except the two hoodies I just purchased lol :)