Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas, in a nutshell.

C H R I S T M A S.

Here's the re-cap.

Worked a little. Went to my Grandma's. Went back home.
Had a slumber party with my two ( Tyana) sisters.
Normal families tell stories and read scriptures.
My family plays beer pong until 1am.
Little weird, little different, but I LOVE it.

Went to bed. Couldn't sleep. Too excited for Santa.
Woke the family up at 7, opened presents, ate some breakfast.
Did our yearly toast with champagne and orange juice.
Worked a little, got rated a 6 at MBP, went to a movie, went to Grandma's again.

Got a new (pink!) camera.
Some glasses from Cass and T.
Some pajamas from Candie.
Cute shirt from Grandma and Poppie.
$75.00 from iTunes from Grandma and Poppie.

And, a whole heap of love from my really, really great family.

Merry Christmas, ya'll.

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