Friday, May 13, 2011

My Testimony.

Disclaimer:  Two posts about church in a row, I apologize.  I don't plan to make this a "churchy" blog.  This is really just for me, personally.  I want to document my beliefs as I go on this journey to finding out more about God.   If you don't want to read these posts, I won't be mad.    But, for the sake of my feelings, don't comment something that is going to be rude.  These are my beliefs, no one elses.  I'm not here to start a political or religious debate.  I just want to blog for me.    kthanksbye.

My testimony isn't strong.
I don't KNOW for certain much of anything.

I don't know that the LDS church is the only true church.
I don't know that Joseph Smith was a prophet.
I don't know that President Monson is the current prophet.
I don't know that there are different kingdoms.
I don't know what heaven will be like.

But, I do know that I like the foundation of the church.

I like the impact it has on a persons life.
I love how close you become with your neighbors.
I love the emphasis and importance it places on your family.
I love the goals and morals it helps you to strive for.
I love the lifestyle it creates.
I love the idea of good and clean fun.
I love the idea of helping one another.
I love the idea of striving for excellence.
I love the idea of prayer, as a family and individually.

There are several things I'm not certain of.  There are several things I question.  But the idea of the church makes me excited to have children. It makes me excited to start a family. It motivates me to live a clean life and be a better person.

...and that makes me super happy.


Caden said...

Fantastic testimony. You make me happy!

Kell and Haylee said...

Callie you are wonderful!

Alicia said...

I know this is probably strange coming from someone you don't know. But, small testimonys can sometimes be the strongest. Don't loose sight in what you know in order to try to get a bigger one. I don't know if that makes sense. Good luck in your journey. I've been on a similar one, so you aren't alone!!

LC said...

You are incredible Callie.
Can I just say that I love blogland. I love being able to follow your life and kind of be apart of it.
I believe it's through life's journey, with trials, struggles, smiles, and laughs that we figure out exactly who we are and where we want to be.
I've been apart of the church my entire, I'm not quite sure what it feels like to be without it but I do know that without the gospel in my life, I'd be completely lost.
Something small and simple (and sometimes big and overwhelming) happens in my life every single day that reminds me that I'm in the right place, that I truly am a daughter of God and not only that but he knows me and loves me.

Church is where I go every week to get away from the world, I'm learning about the gospel but I'm also 'refueling' to get through another week out in the world.

I encourage you to continue praying, he's listening and he's answering your prayers. He knows YOU Callie and he is very aware of you and the amazing girl that you are.
Be sure and keep us updated on this one. :)

Nik said...

I think you are the cutest! I love your blog. I love how you write and I think you are incredible to find things out for yourself. Good for you!

Susan said...

No disclaimer necessary, be who you are, ALL the time. Cause we are still gonna read about Callie! Love You!

f said...

i just wanted to also chime in and say - some of the basic simplest testimonies are the best. and what youll remember years from now when some other struggle comes along. everyone has to start somewhere, right? :o)

and as a second side note - going along with your other churchy blog - i know youve written about how you feel slighted sometimes by people in the church. what you can bring to church, non-members and members alike - are those feelings. use them so that someone else doesnt feel the way you have felt. i think that my pre-church life experiences enhance my life now, especially when it comes to "being real" with investigators.

just my two cents :o)