Saturday, May 14, 2011

I'm practically famous.

The most miraculous thing happened today.

Caden and I were at the cupcake store, because he loves that place. 
I think he could eat 19 cupcakes in one sitting and not even think twice about it.
He probably dreams in cupcakes.
He probably wishes my arms were made of frosting.

Anyway, we are standing in line and this girl whom I've never seen before introduces herself.  She says she reads my blog and she recognized me from blogland.  Little old me.   I got recognized from blogland.  

She was real nice and sweet and said some real nice things about me.
She remembered Caden from my mashed potato story and she made me feel real special.

I assume this is what movie stars feel like.
I'm not really sure.
But, it felt amazing.

Shout out to Jess!

Jenn?  No.  Jess.  I'm almost certain her name was Jess.  Crap.  I hope I'm not wrong.  Maybe I'm a terrible blogger after all.  At any rate, I threatened her and made her become a follower so she better follow soon and then I'll know her name for sure.    

Shout out to mystery blog stalker.  Thanks for making my entire day.    
You're the best.

1 comment:

Estelle said...

I read this and thought, "Aww. No one has ever recognized me from my blog. :(" Then I remember that I blog anonymously. Yeah. Not my brightest moment. o_O