Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Name Them One by One.

Sometimes I get so wrapped up in life, that I forget to count my blessings.   I forget to be grateful for all the amazing things that have gone right for me.   

I remember when I was working at the bank and I decided to enroll for my CNA class.  I remember being so nervous and wondering if I would even like helping people and changing diapers.

I remember being in the CNA class and learning about blood pressure and taking vital signs.  I remember the information being so difficult to understand and taking several notes just to grasp the concept.

I remember applying for CNA jobs and wondering what in the world I should be wearing.  Scrubs? Dress?  Something awesome?!

I remember getting the first CNA job I applied for, a gorgeous assisted living facility right by my house.

I remember visiting the hospital and being so jealous of the CNAs on the floor, wishing and hoping that was me.

I remember getting an interview at the hospital and being so dang nervous.  I remember my group interview and how geeky and silly I felt with my presentation they made me do.

I remember getting a phone call from McKay Dee while I was working at the assisted living facility and being offered the position for an entire dollar more than I was already making. 

I remember working at McKay Dee and applying for the Nursing program, hoping and praying to get in. 

I remember getting my acceptance letter and crying the entire day.   Calling all of my family and reading my letter, over and over again.

Now, here I am.   I've finished my first semester of the Nursing Program.  I'm working as a CNA at a hospital that I've always dreamt of working at.   I live at home with no bills and no rent.   I've accomplished all my goals and I'm well on my way to bigger and better things.   I can't believe how fast it's all happened.  I can't believe how far I've come.

...and I can't believe that I sometimes forget to count my blessings.

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