Thursday, September 15, 2011

6 months with Caden.

March 11th, 2011 was my first date with Caden.

I was dressed and ready to go snowboarding with my family and he had been texting me all morning.  He mentioned that we should go longboarding sometime and I reminded him how absolutely uncoordinated I am on anything, other than a snowboard.  He insisted we go and he asked for directions to my house.  He showed up within seconds and I panicked.  I wasn't ready or prepared and I was still in my snowboarding gear.  Oh dear.

We went for a ride around my neighborhood and I remember him holding on to my waist as we sailed down the road.  Instant butterflies.  As we rode and laughed and smiled, I never would have guessed that this man would be my forever.  Never.

6 months later and I can't believe how absolutely perfect Caden is.   He has every quality I could want in a friend, in a boyfriend, in a husband, in a father for my children, in a companion.   He's always doing everything he can to make me happy.  He is constantly checking on me and making sure I'm doing okay.  He senses when I'm upset and when I'm worried and he is the first to calm my fears in a second.   He's inspiring.  He's motivating.  He always makes me laugh and he is silly.  He's so silly.   He sings to me in the car.  He does silly dance moves.  He is witty and always coming up with new and better ways to make me smile.  He lets me fall asleep on his chest during every single movie we watch.  He sings along to Anastasia and Tangled.   He takes me with him everywhere and he is there for anything and everything that I need him for.

When I think about him and having him as my future husband, I literally get tears in my eyes.  He makes me happier than any person ever has before.  He means more to me than any person or anything ever has.  There is no doubt in my mind that I am supposed to be with Caden.  I just can't believe I finally found him.  Our story is like a fairy tale, all starting with Mashed Potatoes.  And it continually gets better every single day.   I'm lucky to have him and I will never ever let him go.

Happy six months, babe.
Here's to 29949494993922929 more.


Anonymous said...

Isn't love amazing? Totally happy for you! :)

oops! said...

So Sweet Callie! Happy for you!