Thursday, March 5, 2009


BAH. I'm overwhelmed.
Spring fever, or something. I don't really know, but I just want to re-do it ALL.

I have took on the task of doing my neice's and nephew's scrap books. My sister has pictures from 8 years ago that have not even been developed. BAHHH. Everything is out of order and all over her house. Don't worry, I volunteered myself to fix it.
DUMB idea.

The computer room at my mom's house makes me INSANE. The closet is where everyone [me] puts their crap. It's the junk closet. That's where we store letterman's jackets, photo albums, shoes, old cell phones. You name it, it's in there.
And I'm going to clean it. Throwing the crap away and storing the good stuff.

No matter HOW hard I try to organize the bathroom closet, things seem to explode over night. I really don't know how the mascara ended up with the cough syrup, or why my bobby pin is in the toothbrush holder. I swear I didn't put it there.
I'm BOUND and determined to find a way to make it pretty, and to STAY pretty.

Our laundry room is ugly. I don't know how to fix it, or what to do to make it cute. It's ugly though and it needs some help. Just throwing that out there, no real suggestions.

We have a guest room downstairs and it's just another place to store our crap. That's where we keep old books, wrapping paper, beach towels, tissue paper. You know, all the random stuff that doesn't really have a home. Our guest room needs some "umph" to it, and I'm going to make it happen.

The lobby at my work is rid-onk-u-lous. It makes me itch if I look around too long. BAHH. I can't think about it. Can not. There is just no sense to the organization, and people don't put things back where they go. Paper clips, elastics, pens, markers, highlighters, ink pads, stamps, garbage, pennies. Yep, ALL over. SO annoying.
I'm fixing it. For reals, me and Jana. We are going to conquer the beast.


Help me, for reals.

I need some medicine.


Brittany said...

I get this way with my photos. I have so many and I want them to be cute and perfect but my time is scrunched. So they keep piling up. It drives me insane!

Anonymous said...

You have OCD. Like me. I ALWAYS feel like this about my house and mostly the apartment I work in. You're a woman on the verge.

Kell and Haylee said...

My suggestion for the scrapbooking... Get digital scrapbooking. Put all those pictures that aren't developed on a CD then put them on your computer. It's MUCH less time consuming and much less of a mess. But maybe the mess doesn't bother you like it bothers me... But I doubt it! :)

Amanda@Imperfectly Beautiful said...

I feel your pain. I need those same meds!