Friday, March 26, 2010


Today is one of those days where I just want to write but I'm nervous because I never know who is reading my blog, or what they will think.

I just had an epiphany:
It amazes me to look back on my past, and remember a time when I thought I was completely happy. I thought I had it all. I thought I had everything I needed. But then I compare it to the place I'm in now, my current situation, and it seems so ridiculous that that ever made me happy.

This can be related to two things.
A) Sean.
B) Sam.

Both things seemed so great and so perfect for me.
Both things made me smile and both things made me happy.
Now, both things seem completely opposite of what I truly want.

Maybe GOOD things fall A PA R T
so BETTER things can fall
T O G E T H E R.

Before I get mean angry hate comments:

A) Sean is a great guy. From what I read, he is really great to Chloe and she is very happy with him. They are absolutely perfect for each other, and I'm glad that he and I fell apart so she and him could fall together.

B) Sam has always been Sam. She always will be Sam. She will never change for anyone, and that's a really great quality. One of my favorites about her. However, lately she's made me more sad than she has happy. She has brought me down more than she has lifted me up. She has hurt my feelings more than she's made me smile. And that's not the sort of friend I need.


Anonymous said...

But I still love you and I always will no matter what happens between us. We are both going to have amazing awesome lives that we create for ourselves and we are both going to be happy. One day we'll be able to sit down and tell each other about all the greatness and we'll be happy for each other.
No negativity will exist.

Callie Ann said...

I still love you and always will. You'll do great things, and so will I. I have no doubt about it. :)

oops! said...

Live and Learn! Good for you - you will have many more of these experiences! Hope 23 is GREAT!!!! Your so cute!