Disclaimer: This is kind of a ramble.
Not meant to preach. Not meant to judge.
I just needed a place to jot my thoughts.
Coming from a
background that I do made it
hard on my testimony. It wasn't long ago that I went through a period in my life where I was
border line anti-mormon. My spirit was
broken, my goals were
lost, my ambition was
weak and I had
poor goals in mind. Of course, I still wanted to be
successful and I still wanted to
succeed in my
career, in
love, in my
relationship with my family, etc. I just didn't have a desire
beyond that; I didn't have
a spiritual drive. And I never truly felt
Coming from a place of
no testimony, and now
growing into a relationship with my
God and with
my spirit has been
incredibly rewarding for me. I
never thought I would be
worthy enough to enter into the
temple. I
never thought I would be
worthy enough to hold a
calling in the church. I
never had a
desire to meet with the Bishop, or to have him
know me by name. I had
no desire to attend
church or
read scriptures.
now, that
couldn't be more opposite. I
look forward to my Sundays so much. I
love going to
church and the
feeling that I get when I'm there. It's
incredibly rewarding to me to sit in church and listen to people who are
my age and who
I can relate to, and listen as they
share their testimonys and their love for the
same things I believe in. The
same goals that I'm trying for. The
same desires that I have.
Repenting was
always such a
strange concept to me. I
never thought I needed to tell a bishop
anything about my
sins or my struggles. I thought that was my own
personal business and I dealt with it how I chose to. And now, I
respect my bishop in such a
high degree. I am incredibly
grateful for him and his
comfort. I
love to meet with him and the
feeling I get as I leave his office. His words are always
absolutely everything I need to hear. The feeling I get when I'm with him is so
comforting, so
loving, so
I wish I could explain in
better words what an
incredible transformation this has been. I wish I knew how to describe it in a way that made
sense and was
clear. I wish I could explain the
appreciation and
gratefulness I have for the gospel and for the ability I have to
be a part of it.
I'm not trying to
convert anyone, or to
preach. However, I
recommend everyone find
something/someone in their life that makes them
spiritual fulfilled. I know what it's like to have an
empty spirit and I know what kind of
trouble it can cause. And now I know how it fills to have that part of me
filled, and how much
better my life has been because of it.
and I'm
that's all.