Friday, February 3, 2012

Blogland is my most favorite.
It's the place to come and just be me.
And I write and I hope it comes out how I intend.
But if it doesn't, it's okay.
Because it's my blog.
and no one is here to judge.

In fact, most people are here to love.
Which I love.

So thanks for loving me, blogger friends.

Also: I can't decide which I'm more excited for.  To be a bride.
To be an RN.  Or to be a wife.
Too many exciting events.  Too many bridal shows on TV.
Too much time in a hospital.

Not enough time to blog about it all.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

You only get to be a bride for a day, you will be a wife and an RN your whole life. So my vote is bride. :) but all three are equally exciting.