Saturday, February 11, 2012

Mushy Gooshy related to The Vow.

Welp, Caden and I just got home from The Vow.
and I have spent the last 2 hours crying.
Cried through the whole movie.
Holy smokes.

The thought of losing my memory of Caden, or losing Caden, or not having Caden is the scariest thing I could ever imagine.  I can't picture my life without him.  And I always thought that was so stupid when people would say that, because of course you can "go on" if you lose someone.  But, I really don't know that I could if I didn't have Caden.

Some people wait their entire lives to find their perfect fit.  Some people never fall in love.  And some people stay in a marriage because they think it's love.    So, all I can do is feel incredibly fortunate that I've found a love that is absolutely everything I have ever wanted or dreamt about our thought about or needed.  

Caden makes me happier than anything, any person, any place, and idea.  And I just feel like the luckiest girl for having him as my own.

And that's all.
And I can't stop crying.
And I feel like my heart is going to overflow.

1 comment:

LC said...

You are just too dang cute!
I LOVE that you've found love. You truly deserve all the good things that are happening in your life right now. I'm incredibly excited for you to experience being a wife, it's my most favorite thing!
We are going to see The Vow tonight. I'm debating on not wearing make-up at all in preparation for the tears. Too much?! :)