Thursday, February 9, 2012

Self Check-Out.

When I go to Wal-Mart, I always go to self check out.  Small talk makes me incredibly uncomfortable, so self check out is my secret plan how to avoid that entire ordeal.  Most of the time, it's pretty successful.  I can scan my few items and leave without saying a word to anyone.  Thumbs up.

However, last time I went was an anxiety attack.  I grabbed my two items in the store and rushed to self check out.  And then, someone got behind me.  Ohhhhh dear.  Mildly nerve racking, but I think I can handle it.  I feel extra pressure to hurry because I think the man behind me is annoyed that I'm taking too long, or judging me for my purchases.

So, I hurry.
Scan. Bag.
Scan. Bag.
Done scanning.
Ready to pay.
Swipe my debit card.
...please hurry.
...please hurry.
Why is it taking so long?
Card error.
Swipe my card.
Card error.
Try to run as credit.
Card error.
Red lights flashing.

My heart starts pumping out of control now and I try to hurry. This man is judging me for sure.  I can feel his eyes burning in the back of my skull but I don't dare make eye contact for fear he's going to yell at me.

Finally, I swipe my card one last time and it works.
Thank the heavens.

I grab my stuff as fast as I possibly can and run to my car.

Absolutely terrifying.


Erin said...

I feel like this every time I check out at Winco. Have you done the Winco thing yet?! Don't!!
The first time I went I had NO idea you had to bag your own groceries! I had a screaming 3 year old with me and about $200 worth of groceries to bag! I got a bunch of evil stares, I was sweating from head to toe, baby screaming, and I was throwing everything I could into sacks before the next customer had to bag theirs! NEVER AGAIN :)

Chloe said...

I've had that happen to! So scary.