Monday, June 27, 2011


My life has been like a sandbox. along with this analogy.

My sandbox has been a lot of fun.  I've made sandcastles, I've had moats, I've had a playground full of twists and turns and slides and ladders.   My sandbox kept me pretty dang happy.  Sure, it's just sand but in my mind, I could build castles and I could "dress it up" so people who saw my sandbox would see more than just dirt and sand.

However, lately, my sandbox just isn't enough.   Now I'm realizing that my sandbox really is just dirt and sand.  It's brown and it's boring.   It's dirty and it's full of bugs.  And it's not enough for where I want my life to be.  

So, I'm turning my sandbox into a garden.   I'm taking all the sand and replacing it with rich soil.  I'm taking away the sandcastles I used to disguise my dirt and I'm planting flowers in it's place.    Full and rich and beauitful flowers.    No more sandNo more castles.  Just my inner beauty.  Just my full garden

No more parties. No more drinking. No more swearing. No more castles.
Now, all I want for my garden is pretty things, clean things, pure things.
I don't want any sand in my garden.  I don't want any bugs.
I'm not settling for sand, when I can have a garden.  
I'm not letting my life be mediocre when it can be extraordinary.  

I'm better than sand.
I'm better than a sandcastle.
I deserve a garden.
...and a garden I will have.


Amber Kay said...

I absolutely LOVE this analogy!!

Caden said...

Beautiful cal, I love it. You deserve the absolute best in life, and i'm period of everything you do to work so hard to be the best. I love you very much

LC said...

perfect. Couldn't have said it better!